Intruding Squirrel Jumps After Being Caught Stealing From Bird Feeder

7 years ago

Generally speaking, squirrels are known for their acrobatic skills but also for their wily habit of stealing seeds from all sorts of bird feeders, and this funny little thief proves both of these claims!

This sneaky squirrel took a risk getting close to this home's bird feeder and munching on its delights, but when the homeowner caught her red-handed she immediately made an acrobatic jump to get out of her predicament! Hilarious!

Footage shows the incredible moment when this sleazy squirrel is caught in the act of stealing seeds from the bird feeder and immediately tries to get away with it by performing a backflip jump on the roof and disappearing in the distance! However, her inglorious deed was caught on camera and this notorious thief will sure be remembered!

The squirrel was snitching snacks, munching on delicious treats when homeowner busted her act of stealing, making her dare to take a sudden jumps on the roof and escape the crime scene with no regrets! Homeowners who took this video got surprised by this performance, but luckily managed to capture the whole event on camera and share the laughter with us.

If you are wondering what keeps emptying the bird feeder at your home, maybe you should attach an action camera to see what is going on. Who knows, maybe you will stumble upon a footage that shows a beautiful squirrel helping herself to the bird feeder. What a rare sight being able to watch the sneaky intruder up close and personal while she grabs a snack, while not having to worry if the fast animal will disappear in a split second, should she hear a sound!

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