Cornerstone Chapel - Old Testament & Current Events Q&A Service with Pastor Gary Hamrick

10 months ago

This Q&A was conducted on March 22nd, 2020 on the Old Testament and Current Events.

00:00:00 - Introduction/ Part 1
00:00:19 - What is the Old Testament? Who wrote it and why?
00:08:46 - What happened to those that followed the Lord faithfully but died before Jesus came?
00:10:23 - Is the trinity prophesied about in the Old testament?
00:12:23 - How do you show you're a Christian if good deeds don't get you to heaven?
00:12:48 - What's the goal of Marriage?
00:14:58 - Is it good to marry people that are different from us?
00:16:05 - How can I comfort those who are anxious about the Covid 19 pandemic?
00:18:27 - What would’ve happened it Adam and Eve had eaten from the Tree of Life first?
00:21:19 - Does the Law still pertain to us today?
00:25:38 - Why do people in the Old Testament have multiple wives?
00:26:53 - How do Jews believe they can be saved today if the temple has been destroyed?
00:28:34 - What's your favorite book of the Old Testament?
00:28:56 - Were Gentiles before Christ able to be saved?
00:30:08 - How do dinosaurs fit into the Bible?
00:33:42 - If Satan knows scripture and he knows his time is limited, why does he even bother?
00:34:53 - Part 2
00:34:57 - What happened in the 400 years between the Old and New Testament?
00:37:40 - Why do the Jewish people not attribute Isaiah 53 to Christ?
00:40:27 - Who are the “sons of God” in Genesis 6 and who are the Nephilim?
00:43:33 - How can you explain the events of today with Biblical Prophecy?
00:46:26 - Covid 19 Question
00:50:04 - Why was it a sin for David to take a census of the fighting men?
00:52:22 - Who are the “morning stars” that sang together in Job 38:7?
00:52:57 - Should we read the Bible literally and that earth is 6000 years old?
00:56:48 - How was one saved in the Old Testament before Jesus came and died on the cross?
00:58:44 - Covid 19 Question
01:01:29 - Is it ok to be cremated?
01:03:27 - Are we supposed to go to God with our anger and frustrations?
01:05:53 - Why did God go through with creating humanity if he knew that Adam and Eve would sin?
01:08:16 - Do you think the Church today is overly fixated on the End times? and was kind of balance do we need to maintain?
01:11:05 - Part 3
01:11:09 - Who was Melchizedek?
01:14:09 - What are some good Bible verses for when you’re feeling overwhelmed by what's going on in the world?
01:16:05 - Why does God say “Thou shalt not kill” and then tells the Israelites to wipe out Man, women & child in a city?
01:19:51 - Who is the “divine assembly” in Psalms 82:1?
01:21:07 - How is the Old Testament still relevant to us today?
01:25:59 - Why did God allow Covid 19? Did he create it? Why didn't he stop it?
01:30:56 - Why did Jacob’s name change to Israel? And why didn't it stick?
01:33:05 - Why don't humans live as long as they did in the Old Testament?
01:37:06 - How can I share the Gospel with Catholics?
01:40:05 - Are we living in the End times?
01:43:20 - Why does God seem to punish entire households for one person’s disobedience?
01:46:10 - Why does it seem that God manipulates so many people’s hearts to act one way or another when we’re supposed to have free will?

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