Is William King Arthur? The Return of the Knights of the Round Table

1 year ago

The legend of King Arthur has him as a sleeping giant to awaken at Britain's hour of greatest need? Is it now? And is it William? Am sharing a surprising download from spirit.
A teaching also on understanding that carrying Arthurian energy is akin to when we talk of holding Christ Consciousness - it doesn't belong to just one person it can be awakened in all - but a leader that has the potential to embody it helps us all to see and remember it.
Who would be his Knights of the new round table - I name a potential 5 but others are shrouded and veiled.
What qualities do these knights carry? Important to remember they are human and so have feet of clay - they remind us of ideals to aspire to but are flawed like all of us. Looking at women as modern knights too.
Also discussing:
Brotherhood and Brethren and the Divine Masculine
The templates of duty versus freedom
Darkness attacking light - relentless attacks on William
A message from Diana and who she asks to build a bridge between 'her boys' and where excalibur may lay and who its guardian is...that is mind blowing and I won't spoil the surprise...

The video ends with healing sent to all involved in a higher calling and destiny that is entwined with these scared isles.
No comments on royal subjects not covered in this video will be posted, I have already read on Kate and will return to that when I have something new to add.
I really enjoyed doing this video and found it fascinating - hope you do too.
@AmandaEllis #princewilliam #knightsoftheroundtable #royalfamilypsychic

Decks Used: Art through the eyes of the soul oracle, by Cheryl Yambrech Rose, The Arthurian Tarot by John and Caitlin Matthews, Abundant Blessings by Lucy Cavendish and The Fae Elders Guide to the higher dimensions by Billie Dean and Chrissie Leefe

Healing & Connection Sprays: Merlin Connection & Mentorship Ascended Master Spray

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