How Mind Control Works

1 year ago

The 3 Essential Keys to the Mind Control Process:
1. Repetition
2. Desensitizing
3. Predictive Programming

When you hear a phrase over and over again your subconscious begins to absorb that message.

Music and the Media are the main source for Mind Control. We don’t see it this way though, we see it as entertainment.

We are constantly being programmed by the media.

One of the things they did during Covid shutdown was have the worldwide media go 24/7 in lockstep for weeks presenting the PROBLEM – which was a rapid spreading virus that will KILL, their goal was to create a desired REACTION – which is always fear because once we are in a fearful state we want to get out of that state of mind, so that makes it very suitable for the presentation of the SOLUTION – which was the vaccines which of course they had to make it appear they were safe and effective, so they said this and they wrote this so we would constantly hear and see the words safe and effective.

That is Mind Control. That is Brainwashing. That is Programming.

BEFORE they present the Problem – Reaction – Solution scenario, they will utilize “Predictive Programming” tactics which are the preliminary phase of mind control. They are psychologically preparing you for the upcoming event, that we are not shocked and we it is also a MAJOR, MAJOR way of subconsciously establishing TRUST with the programmers. This is very important to know. They already have us in a trusting mode because the “Predictive Programming” came from the same source. I hope I am communicating this effectively here, because it’s important. Very important.

When we can detect this Pre-Programming / Predictive Programming, we can immediately forecast what they are going to do next and we can help each prepare not to fall for the game.

They ALWAYS have the SOLUTION before they even think about what kind of scheme they will create to be the problem.

This is their system of control. This is the mechanisms they use. They use Predictive Programming every single day.


I see a lot of what they are telling us to mentally prepare for, which will cause fear, which will once again lead to accept their solution.

What kinds of predictive programming are you seeing right now?


Kim Osbol --
A Call for an Uprising Channel on Youtube:

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