Love: a secret for success.

11 months ago

The Tale that inspired this humble video:

The King, the Sufi and the Surgeon

This tale, which is found in English in the translated Turkish Tales, as well as in the monkish collection, the Gesta Romanorum, underlines the belief that the sayings of dervish Abdals often constitute vital advice, even out of the context of the time in which they are delivered.

In ancient times a king of Tartary was out walking with some of his noblemen. At the roadside was an Abdal (wandering Sufi, a ‘changed one’), who cried out: ‘Whoever will give me a hundred dinars, I will give him some good advice.’
The king stopped, and said: ‘Abdal, what is this good advice for a hundred dinars?’
‘Sir,’ answered the Abdal, ‘order the sum to be given to me, and I will tell it you immediately.’ The king did so, expecting to hear something extraordinary.
The dervish said to him: ‘My advice is this: Never begin anything until you have reflected what will be the end
of it.’

At this the nobles and everyone else present laughed, saying that the Abdal had been wise to ask for his money in advance. But the king said: ‘You have no reason to laugh at the good advice this Abdal has given me. Nobody is unaware of the fact that we should think well before doing anything. But we are daily guilty of not remembering, and the consequences are evil. I very much value this dervish’s advice.’

He decided to bear the advice always in his mind, and commanded it to be written in gold on the walls and even engraved on his silver plate.
Not long afterwards a plotter desired to kill the king. He bribed the royal surgeon with a promise of the prime ministership to thrust a poisoned lancet into the king’s arm. When the time came to let some of the king’s blood, a silver basin was placed to catch the blood. Suddenly the surgeon became aware of the words engraved upon it: ‘Never begin anything until you have reflected what will be the end of it.’ It was only then that he realised that if the plotter became king he could have him killed instantly, and would not need to fulfil his bargain.

The king, seeing that the surgeon was now trembling, asked him what was wrong with him. And so he confessed the truth, at that very moment.
The plotter was seized; and the king sent for all the people who were present when the Abdal gave his advice, and said to them: ‘Do you still laugh at the dervish?’

Caravan of Dreams, Idries Shah.

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Authorized by his master Abu Kasem to share the product of his observations about human nature, distilled after centuries of wandering on this planet, Radamés da Silva considers that this is a propitious moment to share them with the whole of humanity and thus contribute his small grain of sand in pursuit of the salvation of the species… and the spice. He is an old disciple, and perhaps the only one, of Abu Kasem the greedy perfumer.


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