A Matter of Truth Not Racism

1 year ago

White folk may have problems with the truth. Some will think this is about being racist when it is not. Adam-Black, Eve-Black, Abraham-Black, Prophets-Black, Moses-Black, Yahudiym-Black, Messiah-Black, First Fruits Apostles-Black.

So we have obviously a consistent pattern that Most High GOD Himself has shown to all the world. If GOD is for us who is against? Clearly those have not accepted His will. Yet for some reason the various denominations of the Christian religion prefer otherwise. Depicting far and wide a white Messiah which is a lie. The acceptance and support of people who are not Yahudiym. At best they are proselytes who draw from the originals who were Black representations of GOD. Even during the end of this age The Heavenly Father will again use Yahudiym who still are Black for His purpose.
Despite some being mixed as prophesied.

So why does this make white folk so uncomfortable since so many claim they love the Messiah?

Yeshu 'ah = salvation, not the name of the Messiah
Yahudiym = Israelite's predominately Black

In short salvation is from the Black Israelite lineage. Not white folk or any other folks.
If that is unsettling for some they need to figure out why.

Again, this is a matter of truth not racism. Do you accept the truth or not?
If not, that means you disregard the decision and will of Abba GOD.

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