Justin Bieber Karaoke Fan Club Gone Horribly Wrong

6 years ago

On every first Friday of every week, as well as every single Saturday, the Justin Bieber Karaoke Fan Club (J.B.K.F.C.) gets together in Becky’s bedroom for a good ol’ fashion J. Bieber singalong. Per usual, everything was going very very well, the girls were in a good mood (of course!) and they are rolling into the second chorus of the classic Bieber hit song, “Sorry”. As they continue jamming, Becky continues rolling her hair with a hot curling iron. Then, their favorite part of the song hits — Rebecca reaches for the closest thing that resembles a microphone but unfortunately for Rebecca and crew, the closest thing that resembles a microphone was Becky’s hot curling iron. What a funny fail — don’t worry though — Rebecca was barely burnt. She ran her hand under cool water and they moved on to “Never Say Never”.

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