The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Ready, Aim, Mercy!

1 year ago

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If his mercy endures towards us forever, can we reflect such mercy even a little bit towards others?

Cheerful Readiness
From Intouch Ministries
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God offers mercy willingly and lavishly, not grudgingly—and we should do the same.
James 2:8-13
Today we conclude our four-part exploration of Romans 12:1-8 by looking at mercy, the last spiritual gift mentioned in Paul’s letter. This one is a bit more descriptive in the English translation: The apostle says that “one who shows mercy” is to do so “with cheerfulness” (v. 8). However, both words he uses here are far richer than the English language can convey.

Music video credit:
Seven System - Hope Arises
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The Rock Almighty
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