Have Vaccines Ever Reduced Mortality from Infectious Diseases?

1 year ago

Answer: NO

This Vaccine Industry has taken on its own Religion. It has become a brainwashing cult.

The harm from these deliberate poisons has been devastating.

Why do you believe the doctors offices are filled all the time? These jabs of all kinds, gradually introduce pathogens, toxins and heavy metals to the body.

Are any of these good? Absolutely Not.

In most cases it causes gradual illnesses so patients and doctors alike cannot connect the dots on the rise of illnesses. Then you have a completely controlled media that is always saying we have new illnesses and new diseases and new viral variants. Both doctors and patients are taught to listen to their superiors and to throw out critical thinking, allow the “experts” to do that for ya.

It all began in the early 1900’s when Carnegie and Rockefeller hired Abraham Flexner via his report called the “Flexner Report” (1910) to reform healing to treating symptoms with allopathic petroleum, chemical based “medicines.”

They immediately began focusing on developing vaccines.

Does Efficacy and Effectiveness mean the same thing? They are supposed to measure the reduction of illness in the vaccinated. Efficacy has to do with clinical trials and effectiveness deals with studies under typical field conditions.

Vaccines may show some efficacy in a clinical trial but when introduced publicly show no sign of efficacy.

Effectiveness can ONLY be determined AFTER it has been widely released to the public. So all that Safe and Effective talk we heard every single day from every media outlet imaginable was a flat out LIE. This is what people need to know.

Dr. Eric Rubin of the corrupt FDA said this regarding whether Covid Shots were safe and effective for children: "We're never gonna learn how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it, you know, that’s just the way it goes."

This was coming from an adjunct professor of immunology and infectious diseases at Harvard University and editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Why wasn’t the media repeating this from an Actual “EXPERT” in immunology?

This was a PLAN. You don’t magically get the whole world working in Lockstep in on f*cking day. That’s what happened.

As more and more whistleblowers come out and more and more doctors who were asked to be involved come out, we are learning this plan went back DECADES with training and simulations worldwide on how they would “CONTROL” the narrative to persuade the masses it was real so they would do what is for the “Greater Good” and accept those free hot dogs and strippers to get the jabs.

We have to remember this and never forget it: 97.7% of people who got Covid survived WITHOUT going to the hospital.

We have to know and remember this also: The Flu disappeared during Covid. A study indicated it was Influenza A and B. I believe it was from Stanford and I can’t recall how many, but ALL of the sick participants were diagnosed with Covid and the studies indicated it was really the Flu.

Most of those who died were over 75 years old.

They did the ole Switcheroo and just called the yearly flu Covid and then they did have a lab made virus in the mix also that was miserable, but not deadly. The majority of the illnesses were the flu.

Also: You add in the FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real and you have people worried to death about getting this “Deadly Virus”, that right there weakens the immune system.

They have controlled the masses from FEAR forever. It is their main tool of manipulation so we will accept their solution that was created before the “problem” and the fear campaign.

At least have this in mind when they pull another fast one.


SOURCE: Coronavirus Plushie -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/IBTLhe97eyRY/

The Forgotten Side of Medicine - The Complete History of Depopulation Vaccines >

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Thank You!!

END. 2/26/2024.

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