Why Athletes Thrive if Performance Staff Thrive with Kaarle McCulloch

10 months ago

✒️Kaarle is a former professional cyclist with a 15-year career that led her to being at the top of her sport of track sprint cycling in Australia and the world.

Since retiring in 2021, Kaarle has stepped into the realm of performance practitioner. She is now both a performance coach at the Queensland Academy of Sport and Deputy Chef Du Mission for the Australian Olympic Committee as they head into the Paris Olympic Games in 2024.

✒️What You'll Learn:

In this episode, Kaarle shares he very unique lens of both a world-class athlete and a high-performance coach.

You'll experience what an inspiration she is with regard to her integrity and courage to do things against the accepted "norm."

Talking Points:

✒️What made a good practitioner/coach vs a great one
✒️Why Kaarle left her coaching role with British cycling
✒️Kaarle's 3 pillars of coaching
✒️Boundaries and protecting time
✒️The key non-technical skills that have helped Kaarle, and what she feel is important for practitioners to develop in themselves (non-technical)
✒️What makes an elite performance staff department environment in Kaarle's experience

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📍Men Behind Sport: www.menbehindsport.com
📍Practitioner Needs Analysis Coaching (1-1 & GROUP OPTIONS): https://s3.amazonaws.com/kajabi-store...
📍Clarifying High Performance and the Role, Responsibilities, and Requisite Attributes of the High-Performance Director in American Professional Sport: https://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/abstract/2023/08000/clarifying_high_performance_and_the_role,.4.aspx#:~:text=This%20emerging%20executive%20position%20is,disciplinary%20silos%20that%20can%20thwart

Connect with Kaarle:
Kaarle's Linkedin article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leaving-british-cycling-kaarle-mcculloch-oly%3FtrackingId=QABT%252B%252FUh8ckho%252F9Fh%252FfGGA%253D%253D/?trackingId=QABT%2B%2FUh8ckho%2F9Fh%2FfGGA%3D%3D

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