Sinking Car Challenge: How Much Money Can You Save?

1 year ago

Bring in the crane Oh oh Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Oh it is getting real now Okay Oh my God Oh my God All right Mac Listen up and listen good Once we drop you in this lake the car will quickly begin to sink And in the backseat is the 800 grand you've been competing for divvied up into eight double bags However many bags you can save from this sinking car determines how much money you'll continue competing for in this video And whatever you leave behind is gone forever Oh my gosh dude I will never tell you that I'm scared But I'm about as close as you can be right now I have a feeling I can tell Before we drop your car I'm going to give you a one-off If you put it right now And admit I scared you I'll give you $100,000 And we call it even Yeah all right He's not going to take it There's not a gosh-bath I knew that was going to happen Hey Nolan take that

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