Compilation by Page Chronicles: A collection of Snippets for your consideration 2-26-2024

1 year ago

Compilation by Page Chronicles: A collection of Snippets for your consideration 2-26-2024
Outline of Snippets:
🕞▸0:00:00 ➤ Intro - Ritchie Blackmore Tribute to Jon Lord (1941-2012) - Co-Founder & Keyboardist of Deep Purple
🕞▸0:00:31 ➤ If Assange loses, we all lose.
🕞▸0:02:58 ➤ 13 Hezbollah Attacks in 14 hours; IDF Positions Blown into bits; Revenge strike after Sidon trigger.
🕞▸0:06:48 ➤ If the blind lead the blind they will both fall into the ditch, but Biden can't even do that Biden Dementia A President in decay...
🕞▸0:09:51 ➤ Neo-Nazi: Jewish background is gay...
🕞▸0:10:31 ➤ It's not a bacterial war, it's a systemic poisoning war, they are using chemical warfare against all of us. - Dr. Robert Young (Witness Testimony)
🕞▸0:12:59 ➤ Um-Uh-Umm Justinflation Turdeau
🕞▸0:14:08 ➤ Can I say, Justin Trudeau, you are the definition of the term "NOT taking a hint?"
🕞▸0:15:48 ➤ The Liberal Party before ARRIVESCAN Omar Alghabra March 2016
🕞▸0:17:06 ➤ Coward of the Cottage
🕞▸0:21:07 ➤ The book of Enoch tells the story of the watchers and angels who betrayed God and their children the Nephelim in much more detail... these books were omitted from the bible someone decided you don't need to know more ...
🕞▸0:35:50 ➤ ZION taking down America - Feat: Lucas Gage - Rense video -
🕞▸0:49:18 ➤ Jew hate against Arabs
🕞▸0:52:26 ➤ Jews in Ukraine - Israel 2.0 - (Heavenly Jerusalem)
🕞▸0:54:17 ➤ India Mossad
🕞▸0:58:00 ➤ 9/11, Israel and coincidences
🕞▸1:04:03 ➤ Footage of Fluoride killing cells
🕞▸1:09:07 ➤ LAW, Talmud, OrIginal Blood Oath, First Covenant - Frank O'Collins (UCADIA)
🕞▸1:33:07 ➤ Scene: Person Of Interest (TV series) - Airdate: May 24, 2016 - Season 5, Episode 8, Title: Reassortment: Note: Under the cover of a deadly virus breakout the Government collects people's DNA on a database.
📌 NOTE: Have a Listen to Dr. Robert Young at 🕞▸10:31
🕞▸1:31:35 ➤ Fin - Song: Love Conquers All- Atist: Joe Lynn Turner (Former Lead Vocal of Deep Purple)

💥 There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” – Søren Kierkegaard

💥 “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller
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