Today in History Food Edition March 3, 2024

1 year ago

State Festivals
Annual Kosher Chili Cookoff
Ocean City Spring Trade Expo
RFA 43rd Annual Conference & Exhibition
COEX 2024
International Restaurant & Foodservice Show of NY
Coffee Fest New York
SNA Legislative Action Conference (LAC)
Annual San Diego Restaurant Week
Saint Katherine Drexel
Ron’s Fried Chicken
Corn Bread
Southern Style Mac & Cheese
Indian Fry Bread
Hominy Salsa
Buffalo (Bison) Baked Ziti
3 Sisters Stew
National Mulled Wine Day
Mulled Wine with Citrus
Irish Whiskey Day (3/3 each year - Irish whiskey is triple distilled and aged at least 3 years).
Irish Coffee
Canadian Bacon Day
Maple-Cured Canadian Bacon
National Cold Cuts Day
Spicy Italian Sub (Copycat)
1634 March 3 or 4: Samuel Cole supposedly opened the first tavern in Boston, Massachusetts.
United Indecisive Slice
1845 Florida became the 27th state
Florida Strawberry Muffins
1849 Congress created the Minnesota Territory
Minnesota Pork Chops
1855 Congress authorized $30,000 to purchase dromedaries (camels) for the military to use in the Southwest
Whole Stuffed Camel
1879 Elmer McCollum was born. He was a chemist who discovered vitamins A, B and D.
Maple Sweet Potato and Kale
Balsamic Ginger Soba
Shrimp and Noodles
1887 The U.S. Congress passed the Fisheries Retaliation Act, banning Canadian vessels from US waters; stopped imports of Canadian fish.
Ceviche Chips
1939 The college fad of swallowing Live Goldfish supposedly began on the campus of Harvard University today.
Goldfish (Copycat)
1945 The Andrews Sisters recording of 'Rum and Coca Cola' hit #1 on the popular music charts.
Cuba Libre
1971 Tyler Florence (Kevin Tyler Florence) was born
Chicken Parmesan

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