PS5 Pro Launching This Year? Do We Really Need It?

1 year ago

Sony is expected to launch a PlayStation 5 'Pro' version in 2024 to revitalize interest, analysts say. The move follows a cut in sales outlook for the current PS5, with the new console potentially timed for the release of Grand Theft Auto VI in 2025. Despite anticipation for the new console, Sony faces challenges with profit margins in its gaming division at decade lows. Analysts suggest the PS5 Pro could help Sony navigate these challenges and capitalize on the highly anticipated release of GTA VI. Sony has not yet commented on these speculations.

Sony is expected to launch a PlayStation 5 'Pro' version in 2024 to revitalize interest, analysts say. The move follows a cut in sales outlook for the current PS5, with the new console potentially timed for the release of Grand Theft Auto VI in 2025. Despite anticipation for the new console, Sony faces challenges with profit margins in its gaming division at decade lows. Analysts suggest the PS5 Pro could help Sony navigate these challenges and capitalize on the highly anticipated release of GTA VI. Sony has not yet commented on these speculations.

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