February 25, 2024

8 months ago

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

Don't worry people! Ukraine is winning! They did not loose half a million troops killed!

According to Zelenskii Ukrainian losses are only 31 thousand people. While the losses of the Russians are six times higher, around 180 thousand troops.

Can you just imagine the faces of ordinary Ukrainian Mikolas watching this puppet joke-factory of a president from the trenches??

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Fucking liar. All current sitting Nato nato wannabe countries have politicians who are full of shit.
From Italy , France, Spain, USA, canada, Germany, poland, fuck this list is to long. Ok WEF countries. The puppets being controlled by the Jews. All a bunch of liars.

Bunch of sociopaths, Narrsasists, psycopaths, drug addicts, pedophiles and murders. That is who is running the world.

8 billion ppl allow this and support it. Either by participating in it or by pretending its not happening

Few million rotten apples and the world cannot deal with it.

Sad fucking state.

Let this tiny punk bitch absorb Billions kill a half a million and destroy EU along with all of Ukraine for money drugs and whatever sick shit he is into . This individual isnt normal . He is a sick twisted evil man

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