Ho’oponopono for Manifesting Twin Flame Relationship 💖💞💖

7 months ago

Ho’oponopono prayer is an ancient Hawaiian prayer used for deep cleansing and healing to clear blocks and stagnate energy. By stating the name of a person, problem, or circumstance you wish to heal, you focus the healing energies to assist in cleansing and healing to occur. This assists in removing all conscious and subconscious blocks, stagnate energies, negative thoughts/emotions/feelings. This prayer is also great for healing, reconciliation, and forgiveness to yourself and others.

For best results, use this Ho’oponopono prayer chant in a quiet space and listen to it with intentions of healing, reconciliation, releasing and removing blocks and forgiveness.

To experience deep profound clearing in both your conscious and subconscious mind repeat this prayer for 21 days by listening to the video and either, repeating the chant silently or out loud.

For an even deeper clearing repeat this chant out loud in front of the mirror. When beginning this process, start by listening to the prayer as you look at yourself in the mirror. Progress to saying the prayer along with the video while looking at yourself in the mirror. Allow any emotions and feelings to come up and allow them to be expressed.

You may return to this prayer chant as often as you feel you need to listen it.

May you all experience deep cleansing and healing.

Thank you for listening!

I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

Please be aware that this is for entertainment purposes. For any health or mental health concerns please contact your health care practitioner or a phycologist/psychiatrist for further treatment.

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