Trump Won Again, but was it Decisive?

1 year ago

A decisive victory was handed to Donald Trump in South Carolina’s primary over the weekend. Trump received 451,905 votes to Nikki Haley’s 298,674. The vote represented a 20 point margin and shows that Donald Trump has successfully held off challengers for the 2024 nomination. Or does it?

Looking at the data closer shows the Republican presumptive nominee may have an election crisis ahead. In major cities voters have chosen the alternative. 40% of voters rejected Trump in South Carolina. However, not so fast… Nikki Haley pushed for democrats to vote for her, and they accounted for over 10% of her vote. Roughly a quarter of Republicans are rejecting Donald Trump in SC, and more up to 30% claim they will not vote for him if he is convicted.

The numbers show Trump has a major hurdle to overcome. He must energize the base behind a candidate that has been tarred and feathered publicly for the past decade. The base is not unified. In order for Trump to offset the loss in voters, he must hope that the same is true of democrat support for Biden. This seems to be possible according to interviews with individuals I’ve spoken to over the past several months. The democrats and republicans are in crisis.

President Biden is hoping you forget about the border, your finances, and your ability to move out of your current situation and up to something better. The needle for inflation has risen for the second straight month and the fed seems to have no answers. The numbers show trouble. Trouble for you, trouble for me, and trouble for our country. Who will unite the base first and overcome?

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