Earth: Axis Universum - CTDW Episode 29

11 months ago

#light #lightspeed #einstein #genesis #creation

Is the universe truly heliocentric?
Is light really the cosmic speed limit?
Is there a bottom to the universe?
Is the speed of light a constant?
Was Einstein’s theory of special relativity the only conclusion that he came to?

In this episode, The CTDW welcomes on David Paxton from “The Hidden Day” to discuss ideas, ranging from Flat Earth to the nature of light and the universe itself.We dive into some interesting questions, both scientifically and theologically. Is there merit to any of these questions? Is it worth reevaluating the nature of the cosmos?All these questions, and more on today’s episode of “The Christian Theological Dark Web podcast!”

06:30 - David Paxton presents "The Hidden Day"
08:00 - The end from the beginning
13:00 - How the Universe was built by light
18:45 - Flat Earth?
24:00 - KJV only?
30:00 - Textus Receptus / Translation decisions
31:30 - Flat Earth's Inception / Recent pushes for Flat Earth acceptance33:15 - Why do Christians believe Flat Earth?
36:30 - Col. Michael Angelo Aquino
40:00 - "Biblical Cosmology" doesn't exist
44:45 - Hollow Earth- Is it viable?
46:00 - The Earth's size has expanded
49:00 - There in no "bottom" to the universe, so the Earth must be geocentric...?
57:00 - Flat Earth takes way more steps than necessary
59:30 - Geocentric Model push-back
01:02:30 - Humans are the only ones that have a 2-way contract
01:07:15 - When did the Sons of God come to be?
01:14:15 - Is it true that Adam blamed his wife?
01:19:00 - What's the real reason God blocked access to The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
01:22:00 - Ezra mentions a second set of books for the learned
01:27:15 - How long before Eve was seduced by the serpent?
01:33:00 - Old Earth or Young Earth?
01:41:45 - Scientific aspects of Geocentrism and Einstein's work
01:45:45 - Is light truly the cosmic speed limit?
01:51:45 - Our job is to reveal the manifold wisdom of God to the traitors
01:56:30 - Final Quantum language passage - Proverbs 3:1 and 2
02:01:30 - Wrap-Up⁠


The Book of Jubilees by R.H. Charles⁠ -

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