Ep 445: Tapping Through Transitions: Harnessing EFT to Navigate Life's Changes with Theresa L Levine

1 year ago

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4:05 - Don’t envy the outcome, envy the process
10:14 - Where you focus your attention is where your life will go
13:45 - Start with the small things and then move onto bigger things
16:30 - Using hypnotherapy and EFT together
22:13 - Health gadgets vs. foundational work
29:38 - Using EFT from a mom’s perspective
37:08 - Hot flashes and menopause
41:04 - Tapping session with Theresa
53:27 - Dr. Krause reflecting on the session
59:40 - Different ways to connect with Theresa

Changes in your body have you worried about what the next decade will bring when it comes to fitness, adventures and career? Finding you're more resistant to change and trying new things than you ever were before? Theresa Lear Levine is a Mom, author and entrepreneur with ADHD who specializes in empowering professional men and women to cultivate calm, clarity and confidence. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause and Theresa Lear Levine have a great conversation on using EFT tapping, hypnosis and other tricks to help you get out of your own way when it comes to juggling your health, career and family.

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

How to challenge yourself to move forward in life
Tips on teaching yourself faith that everything will work out for you
How hypnotherapy and EFT help you cope with hormone shifts, hot flashes and meltdowns
The use of EFT in the moment to move through resistance to change

Resources From The Show:

Theresa's Website - theresalearlevine.com
Theresa on Instagram @theresalearlevine
The Becoming More Me Podcast with Theresa
Connect witih Theresa to see if you're a fit to work with her - HERE
Mention you heard Theresa on The Health Fix for a FREE month of coaching calls and 1:1 Support

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