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~ Supplemental Material ~
"Powerful people come in all packages. Sometimes unpredictable and unsuspecting packages. Each with their own priorities, dreams, challenges, gifts to give and journey."
- Julieanne O'Connor
This might be a shock to all those that follow this channel but I dislike politics. There's nothing about it that captivates me, whatsoever. Though I am interested in numerous academic subjects; political science was never one of them. This might be in large part, due to those that are political figures; tend to be toxic manipulators and are probably either psychotic or sociopathic.
Who wants to get involved with all that? Spending one's personal time, being lied to; isn't something that I'd classify as enjoyable. Yet as Christians, there's lots of things we'd prefer to do but there are times where; what we want and God wants; are two different things.
There's more written about being part of a community and being a moral pillar (which in our day would be political involvement), then to share the Gospel. Doing a simple word study concerning "righteous" and "lawlessness," clearly indicates God's expectations of our responsibility with being an influence in our culture and society.
This leads to the material tied into the video. I've never had high regard for the 45th Chief Administrator (Chi Min). As a Christian; viewing the manner in which he conducts himself; where he comes off as being arrogant and pretentious; makes him unpalatable.
45's failure to make good on his campaign promise; the removal of American troops in Syria and putting an end to the Affordable Care Act, signed into law on March 23, 2010, by the 44th Chi Min; didn't help to see him in any positive light.
Oftentimes, when it comes to politicians talking; I'll only listen to summaries by people whom I've come to respect; where they aren't some political stooge of globalists or crazy and wear tin foil hats. The only few political leaders that I actually have no problems listening to; are those that are genuine and their values are clear cut.
Fast-forward to a few days prior to the date of this video getting posted. When videos are posted to this channel; they are carefully watched, to see if it is appropriate. Any of those videos that are acceptable; they're also viewed so any notifications that need to be done; are also taken care of.
This video puts a perspective on the 45th Chi Min; in a manner, that many do not talk about. The video's intent, is not to expose the false claims that he's a racist. The game of politics is dirty and when it comes to the globalists and their adjunct, public relations agencies; known as the "mainstream news media;" are the foulest players on the field.
Racism is a frequent tool that the race hustling, news media uses; to shut down those opposing their agenda. This channel has already addressed that issue, a while ago.
This "Supplement Material" segment, is to point out other aspects of the 45th Chi Min. Most people would not describe 45 as being humble. If one has the ears to can be heard through all the noise. Though the adjective of humility wouldn't be the label that best fits him but that's because we operate out of extremes.
Unless it's an overall characteristic that anyone can notice about a person; we don't generally see a person a particular way, unless they fit our expectations. In our imperfect world, there are only a few people that fit this extreme black and white caricature of human behavior.
Film director Guillermo del Toro, was asked in an interview, as to what he thought made his movies so successful. One of those components: making his characters true to life; opposed to a cartoon character. He would go on to say, no one is angry all the time and have a permanent frown.
As such, this is the reason Guillermo del Toro makes his bad guy characters "more human." By adding more complexity to the "bad guy," it makes the story more interesting. In the same way Guillermo del Toro makes his characters more true to life; we need to understand that most people function in the "in-between."
If you look in the Bible, with the exception of Jesus; everyone else wasn't the picture perfect ideal of godliness. Take King David. The Bible says that he was a man after God's heart. This man after God's own heart, had at times been cowardly. Committed adultery and even killed a loyal soldier, so as to cover-up that adultery. Was a poor father and was a semi-decent political leader. Perfection exists only in the realm of Heaven, not something that exists here on Earth.
Though humility isn't one of the strongest or obvious qualities that exists with the 45, it's there. Starting from time stamp 2 seconds - 1 minute and 18 seconds into the video; the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson speaks of and introduces the future 45th Chi Min.
Future 45 begins his speech in his stereotypical fashion, of using his charm to captivate the audience. A typical technique used in public speaking. On the surface, it seems as though he's aggrandizing himself.
What he's actually doing, is the opposite. The story he tells, about wealth being in the hands of the few (1 minute 48 seconds - 2 minutes, 5 seconds); is self-deprecating. One has to think about what's going on. Whose the audience? Mostly blue-collar workers, with a socialist bent.
How does that make future 45 look, in terms of an audience like that? It doesn't help in any way. His story makes him look like a "crony capitalist." From 2 minutes, 7 seconds - 3 minutes, 4 seconds; he goes into the "wall on Wall, must fall." That entire segment was told to diminish himself.
Future 45's reasons for telling the story he did; was all a result of "Revered" Jesse Jackson's introduction. In 25 - 35 seconds of the video, the "Reverend" says future 45 gave space at 40 Wall Street but he also said, so they could have a presence there.
The fashion in which that was expressed, seems to indicate that it was future 45's idea to have that done. By telling that story, it removes all of future 45's positive vibes and shifts it on to the "Reverend." Instead of allowing people to see him as a humanitarian; he makes the "Reverend," look like a tough negotiator and business savvy individual. The entire "wall on Wall, must fall," this bolsters the noble, wise man persona.
This also would mean that the story told was a fabrication, a fish story to make "Reverend" Jesse Jackson larger than life. The superficial side, seen by many of future 45, is a stage persona, that isn't the real him. Who he actually is, can be seen at the time stamp: 3 minutes, 10 seconds.
It's at that point and with the remaining part of his speech; one can see who he really is. What can be seen? A man who loves to build. One thing that a person can say with certainty, is that he definitely fulfilled his calling in life, by going into real estate.
Another thing that can be seen, is his love for his State and people. It resonates with what he says and how he says it. This love for people can be seen in a much more subtle way. In time stamp 3 minutes, 5 seconds - 3 minutes, 8 seconds; he sets up for what he'll use later, as a form of encouragement. He talks about snow but there's no need to talk about something that everyone in that room already knew.
Future 45 will use the snow, to encourage people. At time stamp 3 minutes, 57 seconds - 4 minutes, 3 seconds; he talks about the problem the snow has created. That's where he says: "we will figure a way, there's always a way." The way he did that...was a reflection of the man's soul. Something he wanted to encourage people with but at the same time, take nothing away from the "Reverend."
There are multiple conundrums that this video creates. This being one of many proofs, that the allegations of racism is false but taking that aside; where was "Reverend" Jesse Jackson? According to the media he's the "Conscience of the Nation" and "the Great Unifier."
To give him the benefit of the doubt; maybe he did things to speak out about these false claims but the media never covered it. These types of things happen but the "Reverend" is already a recognized figure. Even if the mainstream news media opted to block all coverage of such activities; he could easily have side stepped them and used alternative means to expose the truth.
The "Reverend" states, at time stamp: 38 seconds - 49 seconds; that future 45, was the one to reach out to the "Reverend" and not the other way around and it was future 45, that created "comfort zones." This would mean future 45, wasn't just there to observe and throw money towards a cause; he was actively involved. So then, where were all those people that were part of the Rainbow/Push Collation?
The silence is deafening. It screams to the lack of integrity that exists with all those that knew the truth but never did a thing to stop the propaganda. It also shows that all those involved; are more concerned about their cause, opposed to what is right. Actions of extremists and not of decent people.
The "Reverend" calls future 45 a friend (time stamp: 2 seconds - 5 seconds). He clearly got to know 45 because he discovered that the persona is a facade (time stamp: 8 seconds - 18 seconds). That underneath all the show; the soul of 45, is a compassionate human being (time stamp: 1 minute, 13 seconds - 1 minute, 18 seconds).
This silence by the "Reverend" and Rainbow/Push Collation; instead of backing a person, whose heart is to help people, of all ethnic backgrounds; have chosen to support this:
The "Reverend" and his organization, the Rainbow/Push Collation are fine with supporting a political party that champions a racist; making everything they do and say being that of race hustlers or race baiters.
There's nothing respectable about their inaction, nor anything they're trying to push. Another disturbing element to this; from all the material shown; it's clear that the powers that be support a racist but what might not be as clear; the racist is psychotic. This can be seen in an old video recording.
"It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me."
- Batman Begins
For all of those that seek to have a leader that actually cares about this nation and it's people; a person the "Reverend" describes as:
"...a will to risk, to make things better." (time stamp: 1 minute, 1 second - 1 minute, 4 seconds)
"He's a serious person, who is an effective builder of building the people." (time stamp: 1 minute, 13 seconds - 1 minute, 18 seconds)
The first and the most important thing to do is to pray. At the very least being; pray for the protection of him and his family but also that God would help him. This help being one where it involves his family life, where he's a great husband and father. Also pray that the truth will be exposed, with all the judicial actions going on.
Second, expose the truth by helping videos go viral. Trying to get this video; from this channel, to go viral; is impractical. The reason being, it isn't just about politics but religion and both subjects tend to create tense situations.
It's better to increase the chances of success, of a video going viral by sharing material that won't be as controversial. For all those that you know, that would accept material from a channel like this one; by all means share. For all those that wouldn't; listed below are videos that are important to help become huge:
Those willing to go that extra mile, to make the videos above go viral; besides sharing them to all your family and friends and asking them to share it with everyone they know; hit the "like" button and put a comment, in the comments section. It doesn't need to be complicated. All only has to do is put a heart emoji, such as ♥️.
Third, support him by purchasing his merchandise. It might seem trivial but this has a multiplying effect. First, he will be able to fund his election campaign and also all his legal experiences. Second, it would be seen by the corporate executives as a profitable venture and will motivate them to promote and give money; so that they can gain a profitable customer base.
As seen in the video above; what these people value more than their ideology, is money. The first link is very high end and only something that people with large bank accounts can utilize but in all cases, internet traffic is always monitored. This is how corporations know what is the hottest thing that's going on, at the moment. That's why, even if you don't have money to buy anything, by simply visiting each link; everyday, helps boost things related to 45.
About the last link, those interested with checking out TRUTH Social; those using VPNs won't be able to access that platform. There are several social media platforms that operate in similar fashion and it's a big mistake. Those who feel the same, contact the developers at:
Those wishing to contribute directly to his political campaign; it's best to send them directly to his organization, opposed to the GOP. Reasons being, for over 20 years, the main, national organization has consistently supported globalists.
The events that have occurred; concerning the issue covered in the link above; it isn't an isolated incident. The link below shows exactly what's going on in the country.
There's really no point to bother with elections, if they are going to be hijacked. The corporate news media has failed to report on the problems with election integrity.
The problem with election security is the reason why it is indispensable to join, support and pray for the two organizations that are linked below. Being part of groups that are seeking to secure the elections, is paramount to having the will of the people and not special interest.
It's crucial to pray that the leaders; all staff and supporters; as well as the organization; would be blessed with success and protection. Putting "likes" and leaving comments, in the comments section is indispensable.
For all those that are Christians, consider checking out and subscribing to the ministry below. They provide good content, so that people are informed and offer solid advice; with dealing with the challenges that we currently face.
Though there are already plenty of political alternatives mentioned at this point; it would be ideal to somehow squeeze in and incorporate the channel below:
To directly support 45:
Fourth, support companies that champion core American values. By doing so, these companies will assist organizations and causes that align with what you hold dear. The link below provides a plethora of information concerning companies that are all about freedom.
Going back to a point made earlier; "Reverend" Jesse Jackson is described by the mainstream media as the "Conscience of the Nation" and "the Great Unifier;" simply goes to show the principle of not believing them, is simply wise. This is the ever continual evidence; concerning the mainstream news media; being agenda driven and not objective. To say "Reverend" Jesse Jackson is the "Conscience of the Nation" and "the Great Unifier;" is the equivalent as Dylan Mulvaney is a female.
Post Scriptum: In the "Supplemental Material" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.
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