God Prepared These End-Times for His Glory and Your Destiny

7 months ago

God prepared these end-times for His glory and your destiny. You were created to shine in these end-times. For the Church who prepares this is her finest hour. Last month I shared in "The Watchman Cried, Are You Prepared" about somethings were coming upon this earth. In this short video I share how some current events, cell phone infrastructure outage, illustrates how some of the word is already unfolding. But that is not the main point,

The main point is, it is God's nature to prepare. Part of our Father's preparations for these days, these end-times was to prepare you. The scripture reveals that God wrote a book about you and then prepared these days for you to fulfill that divine purpose. It's truly remarkable when you realize, you are part of my Father's solution for these days.

He prepared them for you. The question is, have you prepared for Him?


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