Freedom Enough 059 - Ninth Circuit Star Chamber Child Trafficking

10 months ago

23-55312 Donecia Augustus v. County of Los Angeles
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Rules on State Sponsored Child Trafficking Case

The State took a child away from the legally married, biological parents

At a secret, unnoticed court hearing, that the parents didn't even know was happening

Hello world I'm Alexander Baker, but today, I'm ANGRY Xander Baker, legal expert. It's February 25, 2024. Today on

Freedom Enough 059 - The Ninth Circuit Star Chamber Child Trafficking Case

The Star Chamber was the medieval court system that was conducted in secret, and where there was no justice. You simply had to accept your fate as decided by the judge. And of course, the judge was in service of the king.

Supposedly we all realized that allowing judges to hold hearings in secret, and decide cases was bad. Having the Star Chamber didn't just LEAD to tyranny and oppression, it was the very DEFINITION of tyranny and oppression. Supposedly we got past that with the grauantee of the right to a jury trial, where juries decide cases, and the judge is only supposed to ensure that a fair and orderly proceeding is taking place.

SPOLIER ALERT - You don't have any such rights. If you are a parent, and the State wants to take your child away from you, you don't even have the right to be put on notice that a court hearing is taking place.

Did you hear me?

You don't even have the right to be put on Notice that a hearing is taking place.

Today I'm going to play video of the brutal, appalling, shocking performace that took place in the Ninth Circuit 10 days ago, on Feb 15, 2024 in the appeal of the Augustus case. Folks, you will see and hear a felony crime taking place, that of child trafficking and extortion racketeering, and the cover-up of that crime.

I will break down how the attorney in the case, G. Scott Sobel, allowed Judges Richard Tallman, Sandra Ikuta and John B. Owens to perpetrate the final cover-up of the felony child trafficking operation by purposely disregarding the law

Last week's ruling in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the dismissal of a federal civil rights lawsuit brought by Los Angeles married couple Mark and Donecia Augusuts, where their daughter Sasha was taken away from them by order of the Superior Court in Los Angeles, by a judge named Gus T. May, at a secret, unnoticed hearing.

Immediately, if you know anything about the constitution, you understand that this is a blatatnly illegal and unconstitutional event. There is a constitutional right to family unity, before any of your rights are taken away from you, there is a consitutional right to due process of law. Due process. Notice, i.e. notification that a court proceeding is taking place that involves you, is the most fundmanental part of due process.

There is one other essential point of law that I want you to keep in mind as I go through this

• Motion to Dismiss

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