Existence in a PRISON IS SUFFERING yet, LIFE is a BALANCE of pain & joy, work + play!

1 year ago

The Buddha said, "Existence is suffering." That is true in prison, a slavery matrix system, or any other imprisoning mind control systems. However, have you ever stopped to notice how REAL LIFE is living - itself - in constant balance, between the painful and joyful, strong, hard work and vital playing!? Most of us have not bridged those worlds - remaining stuck in one extreme or the other: workaholic or energy vampire, do-nothing or do-it-all. In the "end times" or, even more so, in the "post-apocalypse" phase of the Age of Aquarius we humans will finally be REQUIRED to face this overt fact (hidden in a vampire system,) we EACH must, eventually, RETURN to this BALANCE to get back to life - in awareness! ENJOY

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