How to avoid stomach sickness when traveling | #traveltip #travelhack

1 year ago

Do these to avoid traveler's diarrhea👇🏻

I think we can all agree, there is nothing worse than grumpy gut searching for a toilet every X minute while trying to enjoy your vacation. 💩

Below are the things I do, to avoid stomach sickness when traveling.

📌 you might want to save this post for future travel plans!

Rules I live by when eating and drinking abroad:
❗ Drink bottled or filtered water
You may want to stick with bottled water in many countries. Sometimes, that even means you shouldn’t brush your teeth with it either. There are some countries where tap water IS SAFE to drink, like Barbados, but do your research.

❗Avoid ice in your drinks
I know those ice cubes look sexy in your cocktail but try to avoid it. Many resorts and hotels do use filtered water to create ice, but honestly, it doesn't hurt to ask.

❗Eat fruit/vegetables that can be peeled
Bananas, watermelons, oranges, mangoes … if it has a peel, I will eat it! If it doesn’t I will most probably avoid it, since they might be washed with tap water.

❗Go for a hot and freshly made food
I avoid raw food or the one looks like it was sitting out for a while. If I can watch how they cook it - even if it is street food - I will eat it.

❗Wash your hands before eating

💡 Drink Coca Cola.
You may follow all the rules but still get sick. If something feels weird for me, I buy and drink @CocaCola, which helps with my upset travelers stomach way better and faster than all the probiotics I’ve tried.

What do you do to not grumpy gut?

Safe travels,
📍 Around the World

Travel Tip | Travelers diarrhea | Travel Hack | Travel tips and hacks | Travel safe | Travel Sickness | Travel Blogger | Travel Content Creator | Travel UGC

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