Overcome Stress, PTSD Symptoms & Boost Energy with Qigong

1 year ago

There are so many things you can do to relieve stress, work through trauma symptoms, and gain more energy. Qigong is something that is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or fitness level!

“The slow, focused movements of qigong and t'ai chi may counteract erratic movements and thoughts by increasing awareness of and eventually releasing muscle holding patterns and their associated attitudes caused by stress, trauma, or past injuries.” – National Institute of Health

Check out this instructional video with some simple, quick Qigong movements I do every day and recommend for all of my clients.

"It (Qi Gong) is widely practiced not just to improve physical health, but also to manage stress and improve psychological well-being. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have documented the effectiveness of qigong exercise in helping people improve their physical health and reduce perceived stress and anxiety." -NCBI


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Hypnosis, hypnotherapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy are not a substitute for the advice of your medical doctor. All content presented on this channel is for educational purposes only and should only be considered as general information. All claims and advice on this channel represent an ideal outcome. Individual results may vary and cannot be guaranteed.

To Your Health, Healing & Vitality!
Lynn C. Cox, Trauma Expert at www.lynnccox.com

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