The Fraudulent Cartel Banking System Explained in Great Detail – It’s EVIL and It’s all FRAUD!!

11 months ago

***THIS IS GOOD*** *Very Important for ALL of us to Know*

Read this, copy this and share this to everyone.

I would say out of the thousands of videos I have uploaded, this one is in the top 5 as to importance of knowing.

Read the Summary as I did my best to Explain:

The Government issues Bonds to operate.

A Bond is an IOU, it’s a loan it’s an “I’ll pay you later, when I can”, it’s a piece of paper and the gov will pay interest on this bond to the purchaser.

The Treasury is the one who holds Bond Auctions and Banks from all over the world come and bid on them to purchase.

The through a shell game, called Open Market Operations, the Banks get to sell some of those Bonds to the Federal Reserve as a Profit.

The Bonds are paid for with “BAD CHECKS” from the Fed that should bounce because the Federal Reserve should ALWAYS have a ZERO – 0 Balance on. In other words, the Federal Reserve is a Sham organization that is writing checks that have nothing to back it up, no Deposits, nothing.

The Federal Reserve just CREATES money out of thin air.

The Federal Reserve hands those checks to banks and Currency is magically created into existence.

These banks in turn, take this currency and buy MORE Bonds at the next Treasury Auction.

What is a Check?

A check is also an IOU. Just as a bond is.

When you write a check it is saying – “here is my IOU for Cash”, then the check is signed taken to the bank, and bank issues CASH.

RECAP: The Treasury issues IOU’s in the form of Bonds. The Banks then buy those IOU’s with Currency. The Federal Reserve then writes IOU’s as Checks and hands them to the banks in exchange for the treasuries IOU’s (bonds) and that is how Currency (money) is created.

Sound confusing? It is and it doesn’t really make sense, but that’s how it works.

The Treasury and the Federal Reserve are just swapping IOU’s – one being checks and the other being bonds and the Banks are the Middle Men in the operation.

This is how money is created into existence. The process repeats over and over.

The process enriches the banks and is a burden on the public as it raises the National Debt of all countries involved.

It is a losing situation for ALL countries participating in this scam. ALL of them will eventually become insolvent and that is by design.

The Federal Reserve will be the Bond Holders and the Treasury will be the Currency Holders This process is where ALL Paper Currency comes from.

Currency and Money are not the same thing. There is a big difference.
Money has to be a Store of Value and maintain its Purchasing Power over a long period of time.

Early currency was just a plain check. It was a representation of real money with real intrinsic value. The gold and silver that was held on deposit at the treasury could be swapped. You could swap the money for the value of gold.

The base currency that is piling up is nothing more than a receipt or a Claim Check on an IOU bond. So, it’s really nothing but a pile of numbers.

The treasury deposits currency into the various branches of the government. The politicians get their hands on it and they do some public spending on hopefully improving the public. They also fund Social Programs and this currency is also used to fund WAR.

The Government Employees who receive the pay, deposit it into the banks. BUT, when you deposit your currency with the bank, you’re not actually depositing it into an account that is safely held in trust for you.

When you deposit money into the bank you are LOANING the Bank your currency and they pretty much can do anything with it that they please. They can RE-LOAN it or they can GAMBLE it in the stock markets.

Here is where the FRAUD takes a step up.

Fractional Reserve Banking – Fractional means that the banks only need to have a “FRACTION” of your deposits and they can loan your money out that you have “loaned to them.”

They are gambling that you will leave most of your money in the bank with them to PLAY with it.

The regulations used to be 10%. This means that they only need to have 10% of your deposited currency in the vault and they can play with the other 90%.

Sound Crazy? It is! But it gets MUCH crazier.

Once again, they are betting that the vast majority of the people will HOLD their money and not touch it.

Are you beginning to see how one major bank run could collapse EVERY Bank in the USA?

How can your bank account balance still say you have all of your money, even though there is only 10% left?

The bank leaves IOU’s called “Bank Credit” in its place.

Here is a quote from the Federal Reserve: “Commercial Banks create money whenever they grant a loan, simply by adding new deposit dollars in accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower’s IOU.”

Basically the bank inputs a bunch of IOU numbers into their computer system. The whole system operates on IOU’s.

But what does it mean that the banks can add new dollars into accounts for an exchange of a borrowers IOU??

Let’s say that you have deposited $100,000 into the bank. It means if someone comes to the bank for a loan of $90,000, the bank can IMMEDIATELY ADD $90,000 of IOU money, because they are already counting the money they will “hopefully” be paid back. So now there is $190,000 in existence.

In the banking system ALL Chickens are counted BEFORE they hatch.

It gets even CRAZIER!!

What happens to the $90,000 of currency the person has procured from the bank?

A person who receives a loan wants to purchase something. Let’s say they want to purchase a new truck for $90,000, so they pay the SELLER of that truck $90,000.

The seller deposits that currency into his bank account.

So what happens to that $90,000 that is deposited into his bank?

His bank can lend out 90% of that someone else for a loan. Then they purchase something with their loan and the seller deposits into their account and the banks lend 90% of that.

That is Fractional Reserve Banking 101 explained in a Nut Shell.

It is a FRAUD system that WILL Fail. It is the ULTIMATE Pyramid Scheme.

The government can crash it whenever they chose and they will. They also have to create fake money out of thin air just to keep it going right now, they have been doing this for decades, but the can can’t be kicked down the road forever.

Your initial $100,000 deposit just created $1 million of Bank Credit. That was just from one person. All of this “credit” is backed by your $100,000 deposit.

On March 26, 2020, the Reserve Requirements for Banks have been REDUCED to 0. That’s right, the banks no longer need to have ONE Penny of your currency. They can loan out 100% of it.

How brilliant.

Are you seeing how they WANT the Banks to fail? Especially the smaller ones. This is seriously like bringing unlimited cases of beer and leaving it on the doorstep of a recovery alcoholic.

They want that alcoholic to FAIL.

They want the small banks to fail or struggle so they can be bought out by the Big Banks which have already completely contracted with the new financial system they will introduce as the “Solution” when they crash the market.

It will be a CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency. They may not directly call it this, but this is what it will be.

Over 90% of currency created was by this Fractional Reserve Banking System in which banks Reloan and Reloan and Reloan currency. Then you have the Chinese Corporation – I mean, the Biden Administration coming in and creating 60% of ALL IOU’s that has ever been created in the History of the United States, in his FIRST year.

Yeah, we are in trouble and the table is all set for the upcoming storm.

What Happens when the Market is FLOODED with Currency?

The prices of goods and services act as a Sponge on an expanding currency supply. The more currency we have, the more prices will rise. This is where INFLATION comes into play.

Inflation is an expansion of the currency supply.

So if Biden deliberately just FLOODED us with all of this currency, what do you think will happen in the coming years?

As you can probably see by now, currency is nothing but a bunch of TYPED NUMBERS without much printed cash.

What gives this Currency its Value?

WE do.


By Labor.

Our labor produces INCOME. Our income is TAXED. We pay this tax to the IRS. The IRS in turn gives our tax currency to the Treasury. The treasury pays the Bond Debt plus Interest to the Federal Reserve who bought it with NOTHING but a Blank Check from an account that has NOTHING in it.

That’s the good ole JOO-ISH system for ya.

What are our Taxes really used for?

Our Taxes are used to pay the Federal Reserve for Bonds they “bought” with a CHECK from a PHANTOM account.

In other words, the Federal Reserve Bankers just give this Bad Check which is really “PERMISSION” for the Government to create Currency.

And the Bankers will receive INTEREST and Bond Value from American Citizens.

That is FRAUD 101 and thank the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

The Federal Reserve is receiving FREE Currency. They are STEALING from us. If our taxes were used to improve the United States, everything would be different. There would be no hunger, there would be no need to create all this currency out of thing air.

It is 100% FRAUD. A very, very small amount of taxes are used in America, period.

It goes to the Fake Bankers.

Before we had the Federal Reserve there was NO need for Personal Income Tax!!!

Just think how much we pay in taxes and how GOOD we could have it.

The Constitution had to be Amended to allow for Income Tax in 1913 when our idiot president Woodrow Wilson agreed to this. By FAR, the worst decision by a president EVER, because it guaranteed complete CONTROL of the people. You have ONE Central Bank running the world, you are setting up for a One World Government.

What is the Debt Ceiling??

There is INTEREST paid on EVERY single Dollar ever created. Every dollar in existence, has a CHARGE to it.

If you borrow the very first dollar ever created and it is the only dollar existing on the planet and you promise to pay it back plus another dollar’s worth of interest, where do you get the second dollar to pay the interest?

The answer is that you have to BORROW that second dollar into existence.

What about this second dollar then?

We have to pay it back with interest also.

Yes, that is how it works.

In this fraudulent system, debt was created with the very FIRST Dollar.

What does this mean then?

It means that there will NEVER, EVER be enough Currency to pay the Debt.

There will ALWAYS be more debt than currency in the system. The system is set up to fail.

What would happen if the Government stopped borrowing money to pay for Debt?

What would happen if you stopped paying your loans?

The debt just won’t magically go away. There is a monthly payment due on the Principal plus the Interest on every dollar in existence. The payments NEVER stop.

Why do the Central Banks LOVE it when you borrow money to pay debt. Because they know that every dollar that is borrowed is another dollar in their pocket.

It is robbery. It is a crime. It’s a conspiracy. It is fraud.

It is a TRAP.

If we stop borrowing, then no new currency is created to replace the currency that was used to make those payments.

The debt never decreases. That is the ruse.

They got us by the short and curlies here boyz.

Whether you are making payment on a loan or paying tax to make a payment on a bond, the portion of the payment that goes to paying off the principal extinguishes that portion of the debt. But, the debt also extinguishes the currency – (decrease supply).

Currency and Debt and are like Matter and Anti-matter. When they meet, they destroy each other.

If we just pay off the principal only of all the bonds and loans that exist, there will be NO currency.

If we don’t go into more debt each and every year, the system will deflate. Meaning, the currency will disappear. The supply decreases.

When politicians talk about balancing the debt, they don’t understand that this will be DEFLATIONARY. It is impossible to do without collapsing our whole economy.

So Debt is good then? Well, if you don’t want to collapse the economy. But NO. Because the system is based on FRAUD and CRIME. It is not a true financial system.

Any talk of a Debt System is ridiculous. It is delusional. Anyone who knows this financial system knows it works off of debt. It is designed that way.

The system is designed to collapse under its own weight. And it will. Guaranteed. 100%.

The Founding Fathers of our Nation knew that a Central Bank is about controlling freedom. They didn’t want it. It all begin with a Tax Revolt.

It was WRITTEN in the Constitution that ONLY Gold and Silver can be Money, for the simple fact that you can not print them.

Our current system robs us of our liberty and prosperity. That is what our forefathers fought for. They shed blood for this. They were so much smarter that we are today. This is what they didn’t want. They knew this was evil and they were willing to DIE fighting for what was right, what would be an honest, prosperous future for America.

As mentioned, a major turning point on EVERYTHING was in the early 1900’s, going into Rockefeller Medicine, taking over the Universities and taking over the Financial System.

If we could collectively turn back time, this is something that never should have been allowed to happen.

Then it got worse with the Bretton Woods Agreements.

We are entering a damned if you do and damned if you don’t period.

Increasing currency is causing hyper-inflation right now.

The system empowers those who create the currency and receive it first. They get to spend it into circulation first before it has an effect on the economy.

The purchasing power is with the banks and not the people. That is why the banks and “Investment Firms” can buy what they want, all of the time and it is getting worse. This continue to become more powerful, while the people lose power.

Here is a quote from the Federal Reserve: “The decrease in purchasing power incurred by holders of money due to inflation imparts gains to the issuers of money.”

What are they admitting to?

They are flat out admitting that this is a FRAUDULENT system. It is a PONZI Scheme. It is a PYRAMID Scheme. It is a SCAM. And it is one Big A$$ LIE.

It is Legalized Theft. Legalized Crime.

Just as they legalized Big Pharma to make DEADLY Vaccines with NO liability.

Here is what most do not know: The Federal Reserve is not “Federal” it has Stock Holder’s.

What is a Stock Holder?

A share of stock represents ownership in a corporation, so the stockholders are the owners of that corporation.

Therefore, the Federal Reserve is a Private Organization with owners.

The Stockholders receive an Annual Dividend of 6% and the dividend is cumulative -- see for yourself, right here →

This Federal Reserve Stock was originally issued to the largest banks in the USA, but you can’t trace who actually owns this stock, it is a closely guarded secret.

John Maynard Keynes – “By this means the Government secretly and unobserved, confiscate the wealth of people, and not one man in a million will detect the theft.”

It is time we “detect” this theft.


The Government creates Glorified IOU’s and gives to the Treasury– which are bonds. These bonds are what the people have to pay for.

The Treasury sells the bonds to banks.

The Big Banks sell the Bonds to the Federal Reserve, which these banks are probably OWNERS.

The Federal Reserve writes a Check – (that isn’t worth a penny, from a blank account with zero balance) and purchases the Bonds (IOU’s) and it writes IOU’s – the checks which are then issued to the banks and that is how currency is created out of NOTHING.

This whole process repeats continuously. This results in a huge build up of Bonds at the Federal Reserve and Currency at the Treasury.

The treasury then deposits this currency into various branches of the government.

These branches of government spends the money on public works, social programs and war.

The government employees, contractors and soldiers deposit their earnings into banks.

The banks take these deposits and loan them.

The currency loaned gets deposited and it is repeated constantly.

We pay TAX to the IRS who then turns that currency over to the Treasury.

The Treasury pays the principal plus the interest to the Federal Reserve for their bond purchases which were “purchased” with NO currency whatsoever.

Then we have the Debt System Delusion. The system is requires increasing levels of debt just to survive but will eventually collapse upon itself.

Finally, the secrete owners of the Federal Reserve take their cut. The largest banks own a percentage of the Federal Reserve, those banks make a profit by selling our National Debt to the Federal Reserve, they make a profit when they make a profit when the Fed pays them for reserves held at the Fed and the Fed pays them a 6% ownership on of the Federal Reserve.

The system is just pure evil. It really is. It is the BEAST.

It STEALS the Wealth from the people and funnels it to the BANKERS.

Not only that, they artificially create falls and increases in the market, and they accumulate their positions whether it be a long position or a short position and then boom, they release their trigger of news to move the market and they profit this way also.

It is ALL based on LEGAL THEFT. 100%. It is pure FRAUD.

This is Fiat System. It went from Paper to now just computer numbers. It is destined to fail.

This is a form of Enslavement.

Bond is the root word of Bondage.

Whenever a government issues a Bond it is a PROMISE to make us pay TAX in the Future because that bond is debt and debt is paid with our taxes.

George Washington wrote this to James Madison: “No Generation has a right to contract debts greater than can be paid off during the course of its own existence.”

We are constantly STEALING Prosperity from tomorrow, from our future generations only so we can reap the insignificant benefits today.

The System relies on the public being ignorant to its existence.

A Quote from Former Director of Bank of England:

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented.”

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. But if you want to continue as slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit.”

The Federal Reserve in Washington D.C. is located on Constitutional Street. What a JOKE, considering it removed gold and silver and that was IN the constitution to prevent a Federal Reserve Central Bank.

The Federal Reserve in New York is located on Liberty Street. That is ironic since the Federal Reserve was designed to STEAL our Liberty.

What can we do about this?

First step is just understanding and being aware that this is how it works. Understand why it was designed and who it was designed to empower and enrich.

Share this with everyone.

This current monetary system is based on a 300 year old concept to enrich a few and steal from everyone else.

We need a new monetary system. We need to create our own currency and persuade everyone else to accept it as exchange.


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The Stockholders receive an Annual Dividend of 6% and the dividend is cumulative -- see for yourself, right here →


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