Layers of Deception

7 months ago

JJ Couey joins Scott today to debunk the Covid narrative and show how layers of deception have become part of the propaganda campaign our government is using against its own citizens.


About JJ Couey:

I started off life in free adulthood as a high school teacher and bartender in Chicago after college. Then circumstances were that I found myself nearly on the street, living with friends for free when I found a job as a technician at the University of Chicago. There I met a kind man from Tunisia working toward tenure that saw something in me and encouraged me to dream bigger. After two years with Khaled, I ended up moving to the Netherlands to study under a friend who I met working at U of C, and so I completed my PhD in Holland at the Vrije Universitiet where I also met my wife. We had our two sons in Norway when I was working with three giants of Neuroscience: Menno Witter, and Edvard and May-Britt Moser. After these wonderful four years in Trondheim, we moved back to Holland in hopes to raise our family there. Just one and half years later, the Mosers were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2014. Unfortunately despite this boost to the notoriety of my resume, the position in Holland didn't work out (not enough awarded funding or enough faculty support), and after four years, we again moved, this time to Pittsburgh in 2016.

Until July 2021, I was employed as a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Dept. of Neurobiology. Eight months before then in October of 2020, I was asked to turn in my badge and keys because they considered me a danger to the faculty. During the rest of the contract, I taught immunology and basic cell biology online, learning and relearning as I went. I was convinced for more than a year that a laboratory virus had escaped in China and the US NIH was covering for its role in the research. I was at the same time also convinced that no GOF virus could pose a pandemic threat and taught the basic immunology that supported this idea. However, I wasn't able to put together all the pieces of the biology into a coherent explanation for how this might make sense without almost two years of additional work, that thankfully I was able to do while helping RFK Jr. with his book over 2022 and 2023.

After RFK Jr.'s book was complete, Children's Health Defense hired me for about six months before laying me off for what they called 'interfering with their relationships with their partners'. I was offered a small sum under NDA and I declined. So I love CHD but I am sure there are some elements within it that are keeping it from being where it should be given who works there and how many have real skin in the game like Brian Hooker.

So I am in 2024 back where I was in July 2021 when my Pitt contract ended and my family had to decide if Papa should continue to shake a can on the internet and hope there is sufficient support to make it, or if we have to get a day job and drop this fight for now. So far, we haven't stopped. My wife now helps with communications and emails and scheduling but it's still really just me a couple cameras and daily broadcasts with Substack followups.


Links for this episode:

Performing in the Sound of Music

The Legacy of Edward Bernays in Under 20 Minutes

Trump’s COVID Data Crunchers See Coronavirus Racing Down America’s Major Highways

Oklahomans rally at State Capitol advocating for medical freedoms and reform


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