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NEW 2-25-2024. πΈπ½ β€ ASHTAR PRESENTS πΈ About Channelling... The Entities Around You
NEW 2-25-2024. πΈπ½ β€ ASHTAR PRESENTS πΈ
About Channelling.
The Entities Around You. (Kryon)
From Lee Carroll.
πΈπ½About Channelling.
I want to take this opportunity to speak of channelling in general. It is often misunderstood as something spooky and weird. I'll bet you have certain friends who you would never tell that you were looking at this web page! Some feel it is evil, and many don't want anything to do with it. They would rather stick to other information that isn't channelled (they think).
Channelling Definition: The divine, inspired words (or energy) of God, as imparted to Humans by Humans.
The above definition is what channelling actually IS. That means that not only were most of the sacred scriptures of the planet (all religions) originally channelled, but also much artwork and music too. It is absolutely commonplace, but like so many other re-emerging processes in the New Age, it has a stigma about it that is strange. God did not write the Bible... Humans did, while divinely inspired.
We have been used to having "authorized and sanctioned" men and women of God passing information to us... not the common folks. Therefore in this New Age, where the actual basic intent of the New Age Master of Love is beginning to surface (that of self enablement for those other than the priests of the land), we are seeing more and more "common folk" passing on the information of God.
Even in our own culture, we accept the letters from a common man to his friends in several cities in the Holy Land... as the sacred words of God! (This is how much of the New Testament of the Holy Bible was written.) Think about it. That's channelling!
We believe that God did not stop speaking to humans 2,000 years ago. To think that God stopped communicating is to deny your own divinity, or to assign some special sacredness to the past, not feeling worthy to consider yourself part of God's continued plan for an enlightened Earth. You are worthy of a continued communication with God... which I teach is actually a part of YOU!
But there is something that comes with channelling....
Anyone can channel, and Spirit is not proprietary in this regard. It's for all Humans, and not just a few. Therefore the ability and potential exists for this attribute for us all. Like so many other things, INTENT of the human means everything. Not all channelling is given with PURE INTENT. Therefore, some is real, and some is not... and YOU should be able to tell the difference when you HEAR or READ it. Is it really from Spirit?
Many men and women are spouting verbiage these days, calling it inspired... some on web pages just like this. How can you tell if it's real or not, since there is no organization telling you who is "OK" and who is not? (Aren't you glad?)
The responsibility of a REAL channel is AWESOME. Sacred, anointed information can change lives! Self-serving egocentric and fearful information can be confusing and actually halt a persons spiritual growth. How can you know the difference? Kryon tells us that we have the power of discernment to know, and that we will even be able to "feel" the difference.
For those of you who are still learning what that feeling is, I have some information that may help. It was published originally in New Realities magazine, July 1987... two years before I began channelling. The article is called "Guidelines for Spiritual Discernment." Twelve (12) guidelines are shown in the article for the reader to watch for, both negative and positive. I believe this information is accurate, and was developed by enlightened Humans to teach other Humans.
Below I present Seven (7) of the twelve (as also presented in Kryon Book Six, "Partnering With God").
The next time you sit before a channel or read a transcription, consider these seven items presented below. As you listen to or read the words of a channeller, also try to ask "what is the intent of the human speaking?" Is there any ego or Human agenda? If you detect it... then stop. There cannot be Human ego present for the information to be accurate and true. Spirit demands this of the channeller... I know. I also know from almost 25 years of live channeling experience that the message will ALWAYS be filled with love, and not fear. Watch for this!
Do you "recognize" the energy as familiar and feeling like "home?" This is another key. If you don't, and you can't identify with the entity or entities that are channelling through the Human, then perhaps you should pass on the message for now. Not all channelling is from an entity. Much of it comes form your own spiritual center. Don't always try to determine "who" it is, asking for a name or trying to put skin and bones to it. Consider that your core is the Love of God... and is also able to give YOU messages for YOU.
IMPORTANT: Please take a moment to read the "four attributes of love" as presented in chapter one of the Kryon Book - Partnering with God. It will help you to understand an ego-less state... and some of the attributes of pure sacred energy.
Discern for yourself. What is happening? Messages from a Human? ... or messages from a loving and wise God? I expect and welcome this test for everything I write and speak as a channel for Kryon. It absolutely must stand up every time.
GUIDELINES FOR DISCERNMENT - New Realities Magazine - July 1987.
1. There will always be useful information for everyone. Beware of the channel that gives you useful information for only a few, or tells you that it's only for a special group or a sequestered number. It must be useful for ALL humanity, every single Human. This is an area of discernment allowing you to know you are hearing the truth.
2. The message should be uplifting. Watch for an empowering message - NOT ONE OF FEAR, not one that drags you down - not one that makes you want to take fearful action or hide - but an enabling message! This is a staple of God energy. It must be there. It should inspire the listener and reader. Every recorded angel appearance before a Human Being has begun with "Fear not!"
3. Spirit (God) will never, ever channel a message that asks you to give up your free will. Never! For your free will is what your experience on Earth is all about as you sit in your "chairs of gold" (a metaphor created in Kryon Book Six). Free will! FREE CHOICE is what drives your future.
4. Spirit will never give you a message - ever - that asks you to violate the integrity of what you believe. You are honored in your thought processes. Spirit will never trick you or "talk you" into anything. The message must never violate your integrity. You must feel comfortable with it, and it must ring true to your heart.
5. Spirit will never represent a channeller as being the only source. Watch for this, for there are many channels of Spirit and they all coordinate their information to create a bigger picture, especially in this New Age. They will NEVER represent themselves as the ONLY source of information.
6. Watch for the fact that the information is normally new information. Beware of the channel that simply re-hashes the old, for they are not channelling anything but the ego of the Human Being. New information is necessary, combined with "core information," it is the entire reason for the channel. Think about it.
7. Watch for the fact that channelled information should have spiritual solutions presented. Solutions to life challenges on Earth, via new information, is the purpose of channelling.
Offered in Love,
Lee Carroll
πΈπ½The Entities Around You.
Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll.
Excerpt from Book II "Don't think like Human!" (Don't think like a Human!).
Greetings! I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
I speak now to my partner: keep calm with the following, as you can withdraw while the information flows freely.
Greetings, dear ones, (readers are specially included). I know you and you know me. That's all the Spirit wants at the moment, to come before those who gather in the name of the Spirit and let the Spirit sit at their feet! We welcome those who are here with us (non-Humans) that we have not previously spoken about... (from) the Solar group. We honor you and love you as a part of support and recognize you.
It is the theme of the Kryon to say this every time we meet: that although I AM the mechanic and I must come from far away, the theme is love... and the theme is you, and the theme is your power. We, like the Kryon, ask to sit at your feet and love you, while giving you information. This evening, this phrase can take on a special meaning... and you have heard it said many times by this channeler: YOU ARE THE WARRIORS OF THE LIGHT. It is your purpose while you are here, and it is not by chance that you have chosen to be here (or to read this now). Young people, listen: it is no coincidence that you are here too... because I speak directly to you. Even though you may not remember (or understand) everything that is said this evening, there will be an "awakening" when all of this returns, for you will be here (on Earth) in special times (in the coming planetary shifts). This is not fortuitous for any of you. You know me and I know you.
We take this moment to love you and say goodbye, and to recognize the power you have within your higher self, and to recognize your struggle for enlightenment... which is becoming little less than a struggle all the while.
The reason for tonight's channel, which will be what it will be, is that humans are naturally curious. I understand you, as it is my work with the magnetic grid, and magnetism is involved in this system, (in) giving you support and with it health and enlightenment. I know how you think, for I understand your imprinting. We have talked about this many times. Your imprinting is what inhibits your knowledge of your duality and keeps you "in the dark" until you are ready to express the intention towards the Universe to do things differently.
Your curiosity has led you to ask questions about the entities around you... about the hierarchy that is your support group in the Universe, about other channelers you have heard of, about the information that is coming in regarding beings with strange names. What does the Kryon have to do with all this? Who are these? What are they doing? What should be your reaction towards them? While I have almost no role in what you do with yourself now in the new energy, I will comply with your request for answers... within the capacity and appropriateness that I have as the Kryon.
Humans love to pigeonhole things and put labels on them. They carefully arrange their boxes, and when they are satisfied with their arrangements, they proceed. I honor this process, because it is part of human imprinting. I hope to give you some labels for your boxes this evening (so you can actually get going).
Look for proof of what will follow in a few minutes. You will be given some information that resembles puzzles. Spirit wants you to put them together. Spirit enjoys seeing you open your boxes, mix up the labels... and find a new label. Spirit wants you to discover answers for yourself, using the solutions that all apply to you. So tonight's channel will be really full of information, but there will be some unanswered questions. Some of you will have the answers as soon as you hear (or read). Others will discover the answers when they listen to or read future channelings. Then you will remember some of the information given tonight, whether it is heard or read. Seek the proof, for it will be all around you. This information given now is accurate and true, for you are sitting before Spirit. You took off your shoes in honor of the Spirit, and the Spirit takes off his in honor of you. You are the honored ones. This is your moment. It is indeed the recurring Kryon theme that I bring to you, and will continue to bring until the time you are no longer here.
The Limits of Human History on Earth
You have a beautiful lineage on the planet! Your lineage dates back as many as 300,000 years. However, be warned (if you must study history to know who you were) to look at the information for only 100,000 years. The reason? If you become consumed with researching a period longer than that, you will study humans who are not like you, for there was a marked change at that time (100,000 years ago). The humans you recognize around you now only conform to those of 100,000 years ago. Before that there was a different scenario, which might also be interesting, but which we will not cover this evening. We have spoken in the past about your history before the Ice Age (in past channelings), and about the biological seed of your species. The difference is in the DNA. From this you recognize your specific human type. (Your particularly varied history is very clearly channeled by some of those we are going to talk about.)
The Universal Structure
I will begin with the structure of the Universe and this structure is inconceivable to you. I know your imprintings, it's simply not explainable; so a metaphor will be given later. I will tell you, however, about its form as much as I can at this time. It is important for you to know that the structure does not match anything you have on the planet. On this planet Humans tend to have hierarchical structures of power and control, and despite your culture - no matter how democratic, or no matter how much say you may think you have in what happens, the structure is still up to those who have more to those who have less. This is how you see and set up organizations on Earth. It's how you chose to do it; and with your imprinting it is not surprising that this is the fact. It does not, however, reflect the way the Universe works, since the Universe is not concerned with control and power. In human organizations, the one at the top is generally the one who is in abundance, control and power, and the one at the bottom is just the opposite. This is simply not so in the arrangement of the Universe; and I speak now of the entire Universe, both visible and invisible to you.
It's organized like this... you can't conceive of the shape of it, except that it's organized backwards, in semicircles of influence and directionality. In the Universal organization, power and control are not words with the meanings you know. The Universe is centered on love and purpose, as many of you are discovering now in the new energy. Those who are furthest from the center are not necessarily those who have the least, as evidenced by what is happening on Earth right now! Here's a feature that I can't explain to you but I'll tell you about it anyway. It's airtight and won't make sense. As the semicircles of influence and directionality widen from the center, the outer ones curl inward and become the center again. This is the form of the Universal hierarchy... of direction, creation and love. It's a difficult concept.
The Entities around you
I now speak of the entities that can regularly "talk" to you. I now talk about your support group in what follows. I will not refer to or talk about the entities that can coexist on your Earth plane in what you would call other dimensions...that have no role to play in your learning or play. They are unaware of you (or your purposes), although sometimes appropriate or not, in your case, you may be aware of them. How do you recognize the difference when you meet them? The answer is: the entities in your support group will recognize you, dear ones (a truly inadequate statement!). They will recognize the Earth. They will recognize that they have come to this planet for ages, and they will recognize your power (who you are). There will be excitement, as all of these know about this place that you call Earth in this galaxy. If they don't recognize these things, then it's the others. They're not negative, they're just not in your support group. So, it will not do you any good to associate with them. They won't even hurt you. So (tonight) I'm talking about the ones around you... the ones you may have heard of, the ones that are famous, and the ones you may be aware of as time passes. They represent entities that are channeled and entities that will be channeled. And I'll start with the Kryon, not because of greater importance than the others, but because if you measure distances, I come from the furthest area.
About Kryon
I have told you many times that I came here by planning...I was called here because the actions of the last 50 years of humans have changed this planet. I have come to repurpose your magnetic grid system for your health and enlightenment... for your imprinting. I have come to tell you that an intervention (of the Spirit) is now possible. You can ask for the implants to clear the karma. You can take your power; you can become beings of light (light in reference to the power of the higher self). You can change the vibration of this planet. You can go to the "graduate state" and then communicate with other dimensions. This is the purpose and why I am here. But it all comes back to you and your higher self (no matter how many supporting entities surround you).
This is why I am here, and in this process I also bring you, on a cellular level, a release of love that you are allowed to feel in every moment. Some of you have already realized that when you sit before Spirit (or read these words that come from Spirit) - especially when you are with the Kryon group or any other angelic type entity - that now is the time , even as you listen to these words, to ask for (co-create) healing. Hasn't this happened to you? Some of you are doing it right now, and that's why I'm bringing this up... because there's no better time.
I told you that Kryon comes from the Sun within the Sun, from the great central area. Here is the theme of the center going outward. Now I tell you that it has another name, one that you will hear often (look for the proof). It is the Primary Creative Force. This is the place from where I emanate. What I do for you now, I have done for others many, many times. It is the love and compassion of the Spirit that sends me to you now, and that loves you as you sit here... each by name. (As channeled above, I am sent by a group you call the Brothers, or perhaps "The Brotherhood". This group has always been on Earth, and is very very old. It is the group I am directed to.)
What else do you want to know about Kryon? I'll tell you, because I was asked, "What specifically did he call you here? Did you just show up or was there an event?" Yes, there was an event and for the first time I will tell you what it was. A puzzle? Yes, but not difficult: in past writings I told you the year I arrived. Two years earlier, in the eighth month of your year 1987, something special happened that called me together... because there was a question from Spirit to the planet, to see if the vibration of planet Earth conformed to the universal plan. An astrologically (literally) βkey in the lockβ scenario that asked, βAre you ready?β And the planet replied: "YES".
For the vibration that presented itself in that eighth month of your year 1987 spoke clearly of what you had done. That was the call and the world set in motion to bring them... the guides, the masters, the operators and the mechanic... and so I began my journey. Those of you who know this sort of thing will know what this event was... a little puzzle for you to put together.
My grid adjustments, while complex, will correspond to the channeled information. It facilitates what in your culture you have called "the twelfth ray." If you understand what this means, you will know that the colors of the rays that respond with your chakras, mixed together give the twelfth ray. Is it no secret, then, if I am fostering this power, [that is] that you as human beings will change radically? As this affects all your colors and all your chakras. This is why my grid adjustments facilitate your biology. Now understand that the God trilogy is EARTH, BIOLOGY, and SPIRIT, as my work influences and coordinates them all. This is Kryon service. This is where I came from when I was called, and how I work. Coming from the Primary Creative Force, however, makes me love you more, as I clearly "see" your bands and the colors of the learning entities that you are. You can't hide them from me. I know who you are and for this reason I sit at your feet. (I also channeled the fact that my support group is also here, stationed in Jupiter's orbit. I'm referring to Jupiter's orbit around your sun, not a satellite in the planet Jupiter's orbit. My group support is on a very large "ship", the name of which is found in your earthly stories of King Arthur [another enigma]. There are approximately 100,000 entities that directly support my work).
The Galaxy - Your Core Group
Each galaxy has a creative direction... a group with a name. Spirit rarely gives a number. Spirit knows all parts by NAME. It is human to number these things. The name at the center of the galaxy of the group that is responsible for you is still unknown to you; so tonight we will call them the Sagittarians. We call them that because when you go out and look in the direction of the constellation of Sagittarius, they are there. For in doing so, you are looking towards the center of your galaxy, the Milky Way. (This is not to be confused with those of you who are born under the sign of Sagittarius, this is only a reference to the direction where the group is located.)
Gli Arturiani e Ashtar
Those immediately next to these, who are closest to you - and who relate to you directly, currently channeled to this planet... you have named them in your culture The Arcturians. (They have the direction of your area, or a part). They are intimately connected, and facilitated, by those called the "Ashtar". They are so interrelated that it is difficult for you to distinguish them. Their purpose is clear and in their channelings look for phrases and words that match those of Kryon. Remember, βnow is the time.β Remember to "take your power". Remember that you are the "warriors of light". Their job is to work with young people. If you asked directly, they would answer you like this. As proof of who they are... that the Kryon knows them and that they know the Kryon, I tell you this: In past writings, I have told you that when my work is completed and I will finish in a given year (although the Group of Kryon will never truly depart from Earth, due to subsequent grid service.) Eleven years after the year of my completion, the Arcturians are also scheduled to leave. This is a puzzle. Look for the proof. Put the numbers together yourself when the information is channeled by the Arcturians, and you will receive a confirmation and an experience that will make you say "ah ha!" ...and know that you are sitting before the Spirit this evening, and you have heard the truth!
The Ashtars and Arcturians are the ones who speak to your Earth governments... they are not to be confused with ships that may have crashed from other areas of your galaxy, or those beings that have perished and been found by your Earth government, even those who may have been captured. Those are not the Ashtars or the Arcturians. The Ashtar are able to move between that dimension that you call three and the one above... which is to say that they have the ability to become visible and invisible to you. They bring you a great message of love. Their primary work is for the youth of the planet, and they freely channel wonderful and useful information.
Your Seed Group
The ones who walk among you, the ones you relate to most easily and clearly (you bet, you know them very well), are the ones who love you immensely and who are here to observe and inspire you in love. They must stay "one step away" so as not to show off their knowledge. I'm like you; they have the same biology as you. They are your seeds and they come from the "Seven Sisters". They are the Pleiadians. There is no one closer to you (who does not walk in duality) than these. They have the ability to walk among you and you cannot know who they are. They are in your dimension, and they must be very careful or their science will spill over into yours... and there is no time for that yet. Ask them, "Why are you here?" and they will tell you it is out of love; it's because "it's time". There is excitement within this group. They are your seeds! (They bring insight into the way things work around you, from the perspective of beings with the same biology as you, who are enlightened about what is happening with your humanity... very practical.)
The Solar Group
As we move, there are others. There are those that some of you know in your culture as the Solar Group. These are your so-called Angels. They are the ones who observe you and bring you wonderful information, a Universal story more real than any other, for they are enablers of others. Most of the others have Universal and planetary purposes, but those of the Solar Group are filled with history and practical human information for you... and they are filled with love. (As channeled earlier, their golden color identifies them.) I will now tell you the names you know, those of Solara and the Archangel Michael (many others are still not part of your culture). They love you immensely, like the Kryon. Observe their channeled information and use it!
Dear ones, if I haven't said it before, I will tell you now that you absolutely cannot listen to just one group, one medium or one channel and know everything. We have specializations. Seek and use all the information from many, and it will assemble together for your puzzle and your enlightenment.
Then there are the Ascended Masters. Their characteristic is that everyone has been human on Earth. Their mission is to return through channeling to give you packets of instruction, practical information so that you know from their perspective that they were here before they were. These are teachers such as Jesus, John the Baptist, King Solomon, King Arthur, and many Pharaohs, and those who sat in high places of great wisdom. Names like Morya, Sananda, Mahatma, (St. Germain), Kuthumi (and many others that are not of your culture) are just a few that carry information for your culture. Listen to their instructions, because they will go into specifics.
You may think of Earth as very small in the universal scheme of things, perhaps incredibly insignificant in the vastness of star systems when you observe them. Nothing is further from the truth! All the enlightened know who you are. This planet is where the excitement is, dear ones, for you, as you walk it in learning, are the ones who are exalted! When you are not here, you stand and swirl with many colors. Everyone who watches you knows about your state of "learning" and how many times you have been in duality. As I have said in the past, it is like the rings of one of your Earth trees; you display your bands, and all know these honorifics, and honor you in celebration. Yours is a very difficult job, very hard and more honored than the Kryon's.
Your Negative Curiosities
Now I'm telling you about something that can generate fear. Before we do that, let me remind you of your human imprinting. In a way it is comical that if I told you, dear ones, that if there was something beautiful about to happen and something horrible, almost all of you without exception would say, "Tell me the horrible thing!" You see, you naturally want to know the negative. This is because your karma is made up of fear! ...and you wear it very well. So you are familiar with it, and you are instantly attracted to it.
Dark Entities
Let me tell you about those who seek Lucifer, for they are creating a ghost. The Universe is literal, and without judgment. Those who stand up and ask for Lucifer to advance will be rewarded, for they will receive what they expect. They will be able to co-create the negative, just as you now have the power to co-create love, healing and the enlightened power of the positive. Lucifer is the ghost of their creation and construction; but let me tell you this, dear ones, and do not forget what follows in my words. Those of you who are in an enlightened and balanced state can freely stand among those who invoke and call Lucifer and will have total power over them all! There is nothing on this planet that can touch your new power! Those who call the negative are unbalanced and do so because of their imbalance. This has nothing to do with the negative entities on the planet. It's something humans do on their own.
[...] So it is on the planet of free choice, for there are several types of entities that are permitted, by reason of the rule and directive of non-intervention..., to be with you. Almost without exception, these entities are unaware of who you are. They are attracted only by your characteristics. They have no idea of ββthe Sagittarians, the Arcturians, the Ashtars, the Pleiadians or the Solarians. They only know the lowest vibration of themselves and seek information and answers. There is no conspiracy of these against universal principles. They simply want to know... and you are their library.
There are several such groups. One seeks information about your emotions. To the degree (authorized) by the intervention rule, they are allowed to interfere with your biology. So there are humans who currently have attributes of these negative beings. Human Being, however, walking in the light of learning gives you absolute power over any part of these dark characteristics. These entities are, in particular, allowed to facilitate your karma, and are an appropriate part of your lesson. This is to say that a human in this condition can recreate balance in her... assimilation and transmutation of the negative. If humans feel that they cannot, that the characteristics of these negatives are too strong, they now have the power through intention, and communication with guides, to ask for intervention through the neutral implant (as channeled previously ). (Since the implant deals specifically with the clearing of karma, you can see the inter-relationship with these dark entities.) These dark entities are attracted to your emotions because they have none, and they wish to study you, because you have them in abundance. (Emotions are energy, and you are a signal to those who seek them. They need to find answers, because they feel that their very existence is threatened by the lack of this natural energy.)
A second other type is also attracted to you. They have no awareness of your pursuit of learning or karma at all. Even if they have no awareness of your karma, what you do with it truly attracts them, as the moth is attracted to the fire in your culture. So they too are allowed to interact with your lessons. I speak now of those who are here in large numbers because you are truly feeding them! ...and you feed them with your fear. Those of you who live in fear feed them every day, and they will return to invade your life, squeezing you to the core, needing more and more food. They understand that the more fear there is within you, the more food there will be. As incredible as this scenario may sound (to many humans), it is true! You will find them festive at the feet of those humans who invoke Lucifer. They are properly allowed to be here, but you have absolute power and dominion over all of these... because legions of them are powerless before just one of you. Believe it! It is the truth of the Spirit. You have no reason to fear any of these dark entities. We have spoken in other channelings about the ghost of fear. We have talked in the past about trusting Spirit, and how to walk through karma. Now is not the time to revisit it.
The other dark entities are easily explained. They have biology and are like you. They are allowed to be here from other places in your galaxy. They have cars to get here. But because they have science doesn't mean they have enlightenment. These are the ones who crashed here. They are the ones who, by their own mistake, were captured, not the Arcturians or the Ashtars. It is the science of these from other places that is being studied today by your Earth governments.
There's a lot more to know about these around you, but I've highlighted the major players. Each of these groups is rich in its history, its lessons, and how each of them comes to be with you. There is great teaching to be sought in their channeled works, and much universal wisdom is gleaned from listening to them. They are all very eager to give you lessons about their lineage... to help you appreciate your own.
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