The Truth About the Anunnaki. Kaleidoscope of Facts 10

1 year ago

What do we know about the Anunnaki? Why is the information about them extremely limited and contradictory?

🔹 Who and for what purposes forms a negative attitude towards representatives of highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations?
🔹 Who is interested in distorting the facts?
🔹 What is the mission of the Anunnaki in the Universe and what role did they play during the key stages of the formation of humanity?
🔹 Will humanity be able to enter a new evolutionary turn of development and when will official contact with the Anunnaki take place?

The answers to these and many other questions will be given live on May 13th, 2021 at 15 GMT on the ALLATRA TV channel in the international study "Kaleidoscope of Facts. The Truth about the Anunnaki." The broadcast will be conducted with simultaneous translation into more than 10 languages.


#ALLATRA #anunnaki #ufos #aliens #creativesociety

00:00:00 ​Start
0:04:01 ​Planet Earth is on the brink of disaster. Video
0:09:25 ​Anunnaki. Who are they? Video
0:12:11 ​Zhanna's TikTok account
0:16:16 ​What is the planet Vamfim? Video
0:25:29 ​Types of UFOs. Rodrigo Fuensalida, CEO of AION Chile, ufologist, Chile
0:34:47 ​Examination of the authenticity of the video with Zhanna
1:35:50 ​Analysis of the speed and altitude of the Anunnaki ship, its capabilities
1:48:04 ​UFO eyewitness account. Peter, the Netherlands
1:53:11 ​Zhanna's eyes and the limits of the possibilities of computer graphics. Why isn't it cat's eye syndrome?
2:11:28 ​Opportunities of the Anunnaki
2:15:15 ​Conference “Life after death. Fiction and facts "05/22/2021 Trailer
2:17:58 ​Anunnaki: Legends of the Nations of the World. Video
2:30:25 ​Activity of civilizers. Lerd Scranton, researcher, writer, USA
2:37:22 ​The Anunnaki are friends, they are not Atlanteans
2:48:20 ​The story of the emergence of corn, wheat and grapes. Video
2:54:16 ​Legends of the Hopi Indians about the Ant-Men
2:57:05 ​Ancestors from the stars. Gerald Auger, Producer, Motivational Speaker, Canada
3:02:30 ​Meaning of the Maltese Cross among the Hopi Indians
3:08:13 ​Knowledge of the ancients about Sirius and Orion. Video
3:17:31 ​Islam. Information about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations
3:26:06 ​Knowledge about Allat before the appearance of the Quran
3:45:32 ​Belt of Orion. Dogon cosmology
3:53:27 ​Who is repairing the solar system?
4:00:29 ​About Sirius. Laird Scranton
4:05:41 ​Who saved people during the flood? Myths of the peoples of the world
4:15:25 ​AM UFOs at the sites of cataclysms. Video
4:24:49 ​Sumerian clay tablets. Who are the Igigi
4:36:06 ​What does the image of an eye in artifacts mean?
4:41:32 ​Crop Circles. Who draws them?
4:47:10 ​Plasma Balls
4:49:50 ​Crop figures in Chile. Alien creatures warnings. Rodrigo Fuensalida
5:01:01 ​A story about the contactee Viktor Korshunov. Matrix technology. His understanding of contacts
5:09:26 ​Fragment of an interview with Viktor Korshunov
5:17:02 ​Travel in space with the help of an energy cocoon
5:20:13 ​Eyewitness interview. Christopher Bledsoe, UFO researcher, USA
5:23:15 ​Eyewitness interview. Peter, the Netherlands
5:25:21 ​Why do highly advanced civilizations need ships? Fragment of an interview with Viktor Korshunov
5:31:36 ​What are they, highly developed beings, and how do they live?
5:36:08 ​Levels of development of civilizations. Jaime Rodriguez, ufologist, Ecuador
5:40:12 ​Who are the Apexians? Fragment of the video with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
5:50:44 ​Positive contact statistics. Mary Rodwell, writer, UFO researcher
5:53:54 ​When will the contact between the Anunnaki and the Earthlings take place?
6:00:29 ​Formation of a negative image of the Anunnaki. Fragment of the video with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
6:02:39 ​Substitutions in translations of ancient texts
6:05:25 ​Distortion of the image of the Anunnaki in the works of Zachary Sitchin
6:13:38 ​Is it possible to trust information about paleocontacts? Rodrigo Fuensalida
6:18:26 ​The image of the Apexians in films and literature. The series "Visitors".
6:39:05 ​The position of the Vatican on the issue of paleocontact
6:54:35 ​Times of the Cross
7:08:19 ​There is a way out – the Creative Society
7:11:56 ​Trailer of the conference 03/20/2021 "Creative Society: What the Prophets Dreamed of"
7:13:48 ​Zhanna's prophecies about the peoples of the Earth
7:18:37 ​"Creative society - the perspective of civilization." Fragment of the video with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov

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