Holy Quran - Sura 46, Al-Ahqaf (The Wind-Curved Sandhills) - Recitation by Al-Afasi

1 year ago

Surah Al-Ahqaaf is the 46th surah (chapter) of The Glorious Quran. Name of the surah means The Sandhills. It has 35 ayaat (verses) and was revealed in the holy city of Makkah i.e., before Prophet ﷺ migrated to the city of Medina. This surah can be found in juz / paara 26.


This Meccan sûrah takes its name from the sand-hills mentioned in verse 21 in the story of the people of Hûd ( ﷺ ) who were destroyed for their disbelief, even though they were far superior to the Arab pagans (verses 21-28). Again, Allāh's infinite power is contrasted with the powerlessness of the idols. The pagan arguments against the Qurʾān and the Resurrection are refuted, and reference is made to a group of jinn who readily embraced the truth once they heard the Prophet's recitation of the Qurʾān. The Prophet ( ﷺ ) is urged to be patient, and reminded of the fate awaiting those who challenge the truth at the end of this sûrah and the beginning of the next.

Source and more Information: https://amrayn.com/quran/info/46

Full Surah Al-Ahqaaf Recitation by Mischari Raschid al-Afasi.

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