YGO Melodious Deck February 2024 | 100% Winrate Deck Profile 💕 | Online Dueling

1 year ago

#yugioh #edopro #virtualworld
Main Deck:
Virtual World Kirin - Lili x3
Virtual World Roshi - Laolao x3
Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu x3
Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan x2
Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji x3
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit x1
Effect Veiler x1
Virtual World City - Kauwloon x3
Foolish Burial Goods x2
Pot of Prosperity x2
Called by the Grave x1
Emergency Teleport x3
Virtual World Gate - Qinglong x2
Infinite Impermanence x3
Evenly Matched x2
Virtual World Gate - Chuche x2
Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu x1

Extra Deck:
Ultimaya Tzolkin x1
Baronne de Fleur x1
Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen x1
Vermillion Dragon Mech x1
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon x1
Virtual World Beast - Jiujiu x1
Coral Dragon x1
Stardust Charge Warrior x1
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder x1
Constellar Ptolemy M7 x1
Photon Strike Bounzer x1
Virtual World Phoenix - Fanfan x1
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal x1
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword x1
Number 3: Cicada King x1

Deck Code for EDOPro:ydke://9mz6AvZs+gL2bPoCOKInBTiiJwU4oicFkgntApIJ7QKSCe0CN1CFADdQhQDl078A5dO/AOXTvwCvI94AryPeAK8j3gBS94oDsjLMBS4l4wAuJeMALiXjACgmIQIoJiECj/cEBY/3BAU+pHEBrmAJBK5gCQSuYAkE3yP/At8j/wIiSJkAIkiZACJImQBvdu8Ab3bvAIHrywCB68sAwXgWAQ==!Hr0ZAFYtDgWvuoMFj7z5A7iBCQOX5xkCyoOJAv4A3gOXIWQFpGRLAufmhQV+DJ0B+GqkAffdvAO9QUwA!!


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