Gushan Marina and adjacent Harbor Neighborhood 🇹🇼 (2023-07) {aerial}

10 months ago

Morning views of the area of Gushan District that is located adjacent to Kaohsiung port, Taiwan.

Sights include:
Gushan Ferry Pier Station 鼓山輪渡站
Gushan Marina 哨船頭遊艇碼頭
No. 1 Ship Channel Landscape Bridge 一號船渠景觀橋
Shoushan LOVE Lookout 壽山情人觀景台
Hamasen Railway Cultural Park 哈瑪星鐵道文化園區
Gushan Fish Market Marina Plaza 鼓山魚市場 濱海廣場
Shaochuantou Park 哨船頭公園
The British Consulate at Takow 打狗英國領事館文化園區(山上園區)

8D Peaceful Morning Drum II by IamThatIam888
from Pixabay

#GushanMarina #GushanFerryPier #Kaohsiung #cityscape #landscape #CijinFerry #areal #dronevideo #port #ship #urban #GushanDistrict #KaohsiungCity #taiwan #asia

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