thank you to everyone for watching my content!

11 months ago

thank you everyone I do appreciate your support. i feel as though my grow even though slow has been a bit easier here for me as a christian republian conservative and as a redneck so thank you. I might only be bringing in peenies but my videos are set for betwen $6s to $10s every 1000 views on my content so thank you. that would and can help me and my wife greatly. if and when i reach my goal of $4500s a month after taxes and exspenses, i will hold onto anything & everything extra so I can pray and ask God how i can help those in my local communities who are disabled or struggle financually. however realistically i have to take care of my own household first just because i have a kind heart doesnt mean im will neglect my wife and household. the bible tells us to get our own households in order before we worry about or try and help others.

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