Oprah Guest Witch Laurie Cabot Kent – Taught Jessie Czebotar How to Procure ADRENOCHROME

7 months ago

Most of us are aware of Adrenochrome and how it is extracted. This video exposes the openly self-proclaimed Witch – Laurie Cabot Kent, who has written several books on witchcraft. Lauri Cabot was the one who was teaching the children how to extract the blood from the Pineal gland and how to make Adrenochrome, an adrenaline saturated substance to give youth and energy.

BUT, the real reason I am uploading this is to do a little DOT CONNECTING.

Jessie Czebotar was a child in the satanic ritual abuse system, which most of our leaders grew up in.

Let’s pay close attention to the names mentioned here, very specifically in this case to Callista Gingrich.

Callista Gingrich is Newt Gingrich’s wife. Her witchcraft “Specialty” is a “Healer” of the Ritual Abused Children, by using “White Magik”, using the Light as Energy to heal. They use both black and white magic in their evil rituals.

A few days ago I posted a video of Boyd Anderson (link to this video below). Boyd knew that Malaysian Airline 370 was used as a Gold Heist of 355 Tons of Gold. Boyd had Trump’s number from a friend and would continually send messages to Trump about the Gold Heist and how Malaysian 370 was involved in the Satanic Heist.

There was no response, but Boyd was a pest, he continued to send messages.

Finally, he received a message back from Newt Gingrich. It said “Boyd, please Donate $1 to indicate you are on OUR side.”

That was a message really saying – we hear you, we know, we don’t care, we were involved and we never want to hear about this again.

Boyd then discovered that one of Trump’s very best friends is Hussain Sajwani. Hussain Sajwani was one of the financer’s of this gold heist. Right then and there Boyd knew that Trump was not the guy he thought he was.

The point is to connect the dots between Newt, Callista, Amy Coney Barrett, Thomas Brady and Trump. They are IN the Order. They are Puppets of the order. They take orders and they follow them. That is the rule.


***Boyd Anderson – The New World will Come in 2025


SOURCE: TheWarAgainstYou -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/ySnyZkZc1f1N/


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END. 2/25/2024.

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