Thomas Schoenberger - We're going to find out who killed Kappy - Gabe Hoffman - Lift the Veil

11 months ago

Thomas Schoenberger addresses Gabe Hoffman's claim that he was the 'go-between' for Isaac Kappy's and his media contacts... a question that came up during Isaac's Lift The Veil (Nathan Stolpman) interview.

Now one might (and potentially) extrapolate this given the LTV (Lift the Veil) interview with Isaac Kappy but then again... when speaking of "censorship" Isaac claimed that "if you google Seth Green and Isaac Kappy literally nothing [comes] up" and "people are searching me on twitter and my name is not coming up".. BOTH of which were categorically false (ATT) as i myself did those very searches and results were most certainly produced... so what is one to believe? .. why do all these self-proclaimed Child-Safety-Advocates do the same things? ... mislead.

Anyhow... this back-and-forth between Thomas and Gabe would eventually end up in a defamation/libel lawsuit some time later.... and i do find it odd that Gabe wasn't tried for the same thing... because he obviously had it out for Thomas and made claims extremely loosely-based claims of Thomas... that including the claim Thomas was (in part) responsible for Isaac Kappy's death... for one reason or another... suggested or otherwise.

Look... i am no lawyer or anything like that but given this "Isaac Kappy" thing as a whole? ... It's the classic case of "Pot calling the Kettle Black"... and people laying false blame that is solely based on nothing more than simple speculation isn't helping... Opinions are one thing... straight up and baseless accusations are another.

I won't say that some of what Gabe Hoffman has said isn't true... but i also won't say all of it is neither.... Isaac Kappy's fixation with the QAnon Death Cult played a HUGE part in not only what he believed... but what he was saying to people... throwing whatever BS he heard from the "Anons" back to his followers without so much as "Doing his own research"... something "Q" had suggest some time ago.. .and NONE of them did it... they just sat their ringing up the tally on whatever money they could 'vacuum' up.... and its OK to hate me for stating the obvious... because it cannot be any more true.

AnOpenSecret's tweet referenced:

Archive of AnOpenSecret's Twitter thread:


Undeniable Evidence Isaac Kappy Was NOT Alone
(as seen in the HBO/VICE Docuseries QAnon.The.Search.for.Q.S01E02)

Isaac Kappy Suicide Dispatch Bellemont Flagstaff Coconino County Arizona
with Enhanced Audio (the missing transmissions)

Isaac Kappy Found Dead - Bellemont Arizona - DPS Body Cams - 2019-05-13

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