Trump, Baal, & The Shadow Psychology

1 year ago

"When two individuals interact, the "sicker" person determines the relationship.
The more extreme and rigid the person, the greater hir interpersonal "pull"-the stronger hir ability to shape the relationships with others. The withdrawn catatonic, the irretrievable criminal, the compulsively flirtatious charmer can inevitably provoke the expected response from a more well-balanced "other".
We meet here a lowest-common- denominator process, a Gresham's law of interpersonal collisions. Sick people control the interpersonal interaction. The "sicker" or the more maladaptively rigid, the more power to determine the nature of the relationship."
[The Politics of Self-Determination, Timothy Leary]

When you THINK and SEE like a poet, you GET Trump isn't selling sneakers, he is SELLING [their] SOULS, by getting them to MAKE HIM [A] PROFIT. Turning his BASE into mindless CONSUMERS, e.g. PIGS!

"Of interest, furthermore, is the fact that on Monte Circeo itself stand the ruins of a Roman temple supposed to have been dedicated to Circe, the sorceress who not only transformed Odysseus' men into swine but also introduced the great voyager himself to the cavernous entrance to the Land of the Dead."
[The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology, Joseph Campbell, 1991, Part 4: "..."]

"CHURCH: This finds one origin in the Greek Circe, the goddess of deception who lured men into her lair and transformed them into pigs. Jordan Maxwell correctly points out that this is the same thing that is done by that which we call the physical Church. The difference is that the latter is done mostly with our consent. The actual origins of the word Church goes back to Egypt. In Scottish (Gaelic) the word for church is Kirk, a derivation of Circe. We get the words circus and circle from this goddess name also. Many "holy" cities, shrines and precincts were designed upon the circle. (See - Saint Paul's and Saint Peter's.)"
[Etymology, lost original source link]

"KIRK- "church," c. 1200, surviving as a northern England and Scottish dialectal word, from a Scandinavian source such as Old Norse kirkja "church" (see church (n.)). Hence kirkland "church land" (mid-15c.)."

"CHURCH- Old English cirice, circe "place of assemblage set aside for Christian worship; the body of Christian believers, Christians collectively; ecclesiastical authority or power," from Proto-Germanic *kirika (source also of Old Saxon kirika, Old Norse kirkja, Old Frisian zerke, Middle Dutch kerke, Dutch kerk, Old High German kirihha, German Kirche)."

"Asked about allegations that Trump held anti-Semitic sentiments, Netanyahu responded by saying that the president had been extremely positive for Israel and that he was popular in that country.
“I think President Trump is the best friend of Israel, and the Jewish people, [that we’ve] ever had in the White House. He will be remembered in Jewish history, for moving the embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Jerusalem, and recognizing the Golan Heights,” Netanyahu said.
“The Jewish people still remember King Cyrus the Great from Persia that recognized Jerusalem 2,500 years ago,” he added, “so we have a long-term memory.”
Benjamin Netanyahu compared Trump to King Cyrus last year before meeting the U.S. president at the Oval Office. The comparison has been popular among both Orthodox Jews and evangelical Christians, supporters of Trump."
[Yair Netanyahu, son of Israeli leader, calls Trump a ‘real rock star’ and compares him to King Cyrus, By Adam Taylor, June 11, 2019, Washington Post]

"Moreover, since in the course of a ceremonial as many as five hundred pigs may be offered in a day, it is clear that any man who takes seriously the salvation of his eternal soul must be considerably occupied with the spiritual exercise of breeding, trading, and reckoning his pigs..."
[The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology, Joseph Campbell, 1991, Part 4: "THRESHOLDS OF THE NEOLITHIC"]

""Grab them by the p----," Trump says. "You can do anything."
During the deposition last October, Carroll's attorneys quoted the video to Trump then asked, "That's what you said, correct?"
"Well, historically, that's true with stars," Trump replied.
"It's true with stars that they can grab women by the p----?" Trump was asked.
"Well, if you look over the last million years, I guess that's been largely true," Trump said. "Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately, or fortunately."
"And you consider yourself to be a star?" Trump was asked.
"I think you can say that, yeah," he said."
[Trump, in deposition, doubles down on 'Access Hollywood' remarks about grabbing women: "Historically, that's true with stars," Trump said in the deposition in October,
By Olivia Rubin & Aaron Katersky, May 5, 2023, ABC NEWS]

“This is insane. This is the mark of a party, a society, a country, a people, a civilization that wants to die. Trump, alone among candidates for high office in this or in the last seven (at least) cycles, has stood up to say: I want to live. I want my party to live. I want my country to live. I want my people to live. I want to end the insanity.

Yes, Trump is worse than imperfect. So what? We can lament until we choke the lack of a great statesman to address the fundamental issues of our time—or, more importantly, to connect them.”
[The Flight 93 Election: The election of 2016 will test whether virtù remains in the core of the American nation.
by Publius Decius Mus]

"Publius Decius Mus was the pseudonym of Michael Anton, who in January of 2017 left the private sector to serve on the National Security Council. For his many other writings, visit his Claremont Review of Books author page."

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