Why Are American Women Becoming More Liberal? - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Louis. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover the recent news story about how there's a Liberal Gap opening up between US men and women and why it's happening. If you look at this then you'll see that the majority of married men, married women and unmarried men consider themselves Republicans. Whole 68% of unmarried women see themselves as Democrats. So the elections are fought and won off the votes of single women. Conservatives like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro have been shaming men to go out there and get married instead of going their own way. Could it be that they have seen stats like this that show that the number of unmarried women actually help the Democrats stay in power. So men that choose to stay single and not get married are not only more likely to be Liberal themselves but also create a giant cohort of women vote for the left. This second Gallup poll shows you how since 1999 every cohort of women has seen more of them become liberal. So what's causing this? Some people say that it's women having more college degrees than ever that's increasing their standards so they are marrying less. Others like Aaron Clarey seem to think that women becoming overweight or obese is pushing men away from marriage. I think it's also partially because of women's out of this world dating expectations because of apps like Tinder. There isn't one factor. But less marriage means more women voting for leftist policies and governments which will eventually wreck the west. Some people are suggesting that men escape the west but this sort of demographic trend will play out everywhere. If you believe the stats that by 2030 50% of women will be single and unmarried then you have to conclude that woke leftist governments are not only going to win but we will see them in perpetuity the way we see only Democrats winning the elections in Commiefornia with regards to presidential elections. Who knows this might have been a multi-generational plan that was first hatched when women were give the right to vote and then feminism wrecking the family encouraging women to vote for big daddy government and then finally bringing in illigal aliens to vote for the left too and that would weaken the state enough to allow long-term thinking socialists to take over. That's the conspiracy theorist in my talking. Is the rest of the world on the same trajectory. I don't know but if you look it Eastern Europe, Russia, East Asia and the Balkans they are seeing their populations fall without mass immigration to put the final nail in the coffin and they are still soycieties where men either dominate or there's something akin to actual equality. So as a western man on a sinking ship of a country like Canada it may be time to leave for calmer waters. As men and women continue to atomize the Democrat vote will get stronger. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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