It Gets Worse...

6 months ago

With Vaughan Gething called out over a £200,000 donation to his Leadership Campaign from disgraced businessman David Neal (guilty of Environmental Crimes) and Jeremy Miles being told that his own Education Union will not back him and Teacher's in Wales will wholly oppose his new laws on the School Year, we're entering peak Clown World in Welsh Politics.

At the same time that these bunglers set new records for ineptitude, the also inept Wales Online refuses to comment on MS Lee Waters making threats to Nigel Owens but attempts to prove that it is not 100% up Labour's back passage by reporting a non-story on Kevin Brennan MP taking donations and receiving Hospitality Passes.

Shock horror, one of Labour's few pro-Hospitality and Events MP's gets called out by the anti-Hospitality, anti-Working Class and anti-Wales Media idiots (they should really be called 'Anti-fun').



Vaughan Gething's Dodgy Donations -

Jeremy Miles Opposed By Teachers:

Death Threats Sent To Farmer Gareth Wyn Jones:

Kevin Brennan MP 'Shocker':

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