Tucker Carlson: What's Barack Obama up to these days?

11 months ago

What's Barack Obama up to these days? Working to make people hate each other, as usual.

Obama Leads Biden’s Reelect Message: ‘Hating White People’

In 2024, Obama once said, “There is no white America, there’s no black America. It’s just one America.”

Yet, Obama’s time as President was based on race, hatred, and anti-white hatred.

Tucker Carlson and Scott McKay shed light on the racially divisive undercurrents of the Obama administration.

TUCKER: “… why are they mad at whites? They live in all white areas. Like I’m confused. Is it real or is it just a political tactic? What is this?”

MCKAY: “If you look at the four people who were the most prominent mentors of Barack Obama...all four of them had as a central thesis of the things that they said that America was a profoundly, fundamentally, irredeemably racist country.”

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