Your King On a Donkey – John 12:12-36

7 months ago

Next January we will have another inauguration ceremony in Washington. Imagine if the next president came tooling down Pennsylvania Ave. riding in the back of a farmer's pickup truck with all of blue-collar America lining the street while cheering him on and declaring him king. It would be an odd scene, would it not? Most of us would probably think it unbefitting of a U.S. president.

Now picture Jesus descending into Jerusalem on a donkey, while being worshiped as King and Messiah by the commoners – all while the Pharisees, scribes, priests, etc. look on. It was an odd scene to be sure. BUT it would get even more odd. Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem would be seen by the people as his finest hour. Some of those same people would be screaming "crucify him!" just four days later. Meanwhile, Jesus' true finest hour is a toss-up between the crucifixion and resurrection. We see things one way; the Father sees them another.

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