Trump - Home Schooling

1 year ago

The Rockefeller-Carnegie "Indoctrination Camps" will disappear, so too will the pedophile marxists that have caused so much harm to our children. When children dislike school then that is because it's not organic teaching, but brainwashing, and social engineering to strip children of their creativity, making them dumbed-down and voiceless, so that they are primed as obedient fodder for their adulthood in bonded slavery. 2024 is when the sh!t stops, and when all those who caused harm are arrested and given military tribunals.

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Here’s some advice for all the parents that don’t think they can homeschool.

It’s actually much simpler than you think.

Your kids have the light of God and learning within them already.

Public schooling dims that light by putting them into a curriculum.

The best thing you can do as a parent is supporting them in their quest for learning new things.

Don’t limit their ideas and imagination. Cultivate it.

Be a positive energy and guide.

Teach them about praying for answers and how to find them.

I promise you if you do this, you will be blown away about how smart they can become on their own without some massive curriculum where you’re having them do worksheets and just repeating everything that a public school would do.

Think opposite of [their] system and you’ll see massive blessings.

That I can promise you.

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