Ancient AllatRa sign: the sacred meaning and role in the life of humanity | Kaleidoscope of Facts 6

1 year ago

What do we know about ancient signs and symbols that have come down to us through the ages? Why is information about them extremely limited and often contains questionable interpretations related to occult teachings?
But signs and symbols have surrounded a human at all times. These are circles, crosses, swastikas, stars, spirals, etc.
And a special place is occupied by the ancient AllatRa sign: a circle with a crescent moon horns up.
It is found on artifacts belonging to different eras and cultures, and is mentioned in the myths and legends of many peoples of the world.
What did our ancestors know about this ancient sign? Why did they surround themselves with his image?
0:00:45 Author of many books, Laird Scranton on the etymology, symbolism and meaning of AllatRa
0:10:46 Pre-Islamic time. Star and crescent symbols.
0:17:19 AllatRa sign in Islam
0:27:30 AllatRa sign in Armenia
0:33:39 AllatRa sign in Christianity
0:40:54 Master of Arts, Irina Simons on the meaning of the AllatRa sign
1:15:25 Reporting about the AllatRa sign in Lithuania
1:19:16 AllatRa sign in the culture of the peoples of Ghana
1:23:03 AllatRa sign in the culture of the peoples of Nigeria and Mali
1:29:25 AllatRa Sign in Ancient Egypt
1:44:26 AllatRa sign in Buddhism
1:53:11 AllatRa sign in China
1:58:26 AllatRa sign in Hinduism
2:01:56 prof. Joy Sen on the Allatra sign in ancient cultures
2:14:49 The meaning of the AllatRa sign in the Bogomilism
2:21:50 Allatra Sign in Mesopotamia
2:31:03 On the meaning of the AllatRa sign from programs with the participation of I.M.Danilov
2:33:37 Philologist Svetlana Nikitina on the etymology of the word "AllatRa" in Slavic languages
2:35:43 Etymology of the root "Ra" in the languages of the peoples of the world
2:45:23 Conclusions about the essence of the Allatra sign
2:50:49 What are "sign" and "symbol"?
2:54:43 Physics of signs and symbols. Fractals
3:00:55 What is a hologram?
3:04:59 Fragment of the video "The Primordial Allatra Physics Report" on the structure of the Universe
3:16:20 Akasha, the sound of vibrations
3:15:13 I. M. Danilov "ABOUT MAGIC", the connection between sign and sound
3:16:26 The role of sound (vibrations) in the creation of matter
3:26:08 Doctor of etiology Yuri Lir on how SOUND is converted into SIGN, Chladni Figures
3:29:50 Independent researcher Mitro Ferdinno on the effect of sound on matter in our lives
3:36:28 More information about shapes that generate vibrations
3:38:54 Wave nature of the universe, man (DNA)
3:58:25 Yuri Lear on DNA and wave nature
4:03:28 Supplement about fractality on the example of 3D modeling
4:06:25 Constructor of elementary particles on the ALLATRA SCIENCE website
4:09:42 Results of the road experiment with the AllatRa sign
4:26:21 Opinions of scientists and participants in experiments with the AllatRa sign
4:34:48 The effect of the sign on the blood. Experiments.
4:51:23 The specifics of the work of signs, placement of signs
4:58:00 A fragment of the program with the participation of I.M. Danilova on the work of signs
5:02:19 Understanding the physics of the AllatRa sign
5:09:36 Maria Whitley, Joy Sen on the role of light in the physics of signs
5:20:30 The role of the color scheme of the sign and the role of light in the activation of the sign. Photon
5:23:11 From the report "Primordial AllatRa Physics" (Photon)
5:33:28 Ekaterina Leonova-Gariaeva on the role of photons in information transfer
5:36:32 Hypothesis of the Connection between the Breath of the Sun and the AllatRa Sign
5:37:21 Doctor of Cosmophysics Elena Podladchikova on vibrations around the sun. About the breath of the sun
5:40:52 "The Call of Mahdi"
5:49:07 Synchronizing characters
5:53:46 "AllatRa sign in nature"
5:58:38 Who brought and renewed the AllatRa knowledge?
6:19:44 Jesus and the peacock symbol
6:31:27 About Buddha
6:39:51 About Osiris
6:51:09 Serving the Spiritual World
6:57:49 Announcement of the Kaleidoscope of Facts "Holy Spirit" 02/13/2021
7:03:06 Irina Simons on the destruction of knowledge and signs
7:21:49 What changes took place in society when knowledge was introduced
7:40:28 The sign system of antiquity, the meaning of life is spiritual development
7:49:48 The AllatRa sign among the Slavic peoples in the 11th century, the role of Agapit of Pechersk in the formation of Kievan Rus
8:06:15 Symbolic image of the Allatra sign in the form of "Oranta"
8:12:47 The truth about the destruction of the AllatRa sign in the ancient East. An appeal to scientists
8:16:03 Substitution of the spiritual meaning of the Allatra sign for the symbol of power
8:18:39 Destruction of the AllatRa sign
8:30:49 A creative society is the common goal of humanity

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