Planned Parenthood - The Kamala Harris Connection

11 months ago

In California 2 Undercover Investigators Secretly Videotaped Planned Parenthood Selling Babies Body Parts

The Attorney General In California Prosecuted the Investigators & Not Planned Parenthood

That Attorney General Was Kamala Harris


Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist and I would say a satanist as they usually go hand in hand. I will provide a link to wikipedia for "her" photo, in my opinion "she" appears to be a MAN, just like Barbara Bush, just like Michelle Obama aka Big Mike (Michael LeVaughn Robinson), and just like Queen Victoria it appears....hence Victoria's Secret.

Planned Parenthood work hand in glove with the Democrats, or demoncrats, the deep-state and their satanic cabal. Chester Bennington wrote a song where the lyric mentioned the phrase "Farming Babies...". It has been said that Chester Bennington was the Son of scumbag John Podesta, well let's wait and see. Planned Parenthood got the backing of the deep-state politicians and their love for late-term abortions, because the later the term for the abortion the more pure and ripe the baby is for the "market" and the more pure and close to God that baby is. You see the deep-state and cabal are satanic pedophiles and pedovors, so late term of abortions bring the most "profit" for the sale of body. This is why the Democrats support abortion, because it earns them money from the sale of body parts, donors are often single black women out to make money from a bad situation. Barack Obama's Medicare, which helped no-one but what it did do was surveillance of newborns from the second they were born. Child Trafficking is BIG business. Also did you know that Organ Donors HAVE to receive donated organs from a LIVING man/woman? A Doctor turned whistleblower (I think I posted that video here on my channel) stated to ditch Organ Donor cards, because he said that if anyone was in ER and it was "touch 'n go" then the Hospital is set to make profits from those who were on death's door. The Doctor went on to say that Hospitals can and have allowed the victim to die, just after they profit from ripping out his or her organs for profit. The grieving family get told a watered down version of the news, the organ theft being done the second they get consent from grieving relatives under the guise of "I'm so sorry we could not save him/her, we tried so hard..." and then the grieving family would be coerced into donating organs. The patient is at that moment in time still alive but now they can rip out organs and make a lot of profit. The Doctor said it is wise NOT to carry Donor Cards on your person, for obvious reasons. Planned Parenthood is modern day Bourke & Hare (bodysnatchers) for profit and I dare say satanic reasons.

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