State Department's Victoria Nuland Tries To Sell Americans On The Upside To Funding Wars

1 year ago

Victoria Nuland, the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, had an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, and during the discussion, Nuland tried to explain the upside for America to support sending an endless amount of money and military hardware to Ukraine. Nuland pretty much came out and said the quiet part out loud: Victoria Nuland on more Ukraine spending: “We will do what we have always done, which is defend democracy & freedom around the world … And by the way, we have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into the U.S., to make those weapons.” -- Well, there it is! “If you’re not going to be a patriot & support more money for the CIA’s manufactured conflict w/ Russia, at least find it in your heart to do it for the military industrial complex.”

"It's making domestic defense contractors richer" isn't the most convincing argument to maintain support for endless aid to Ukraine. Victoria Nuland did more to trigger the war in Ukraine than any person on the planet. Imagine if it had gone back to the US to make roads, bridges, schools, parks, stadiums, libraries… Or secure our border which has been being invaded ever since Biden took office. This sounds a lot like money laundering for the military industrial complex. 🤔 WAR as a jobs creator is morally repugnant. And yet they just come right out and say it sometimes.

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• More at: Twitchy - State Dept's Victoria Nuland Tries to Sell Americans on the Upside to Funding Wars

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