Giant Strides, Week 8 of 11, ACIM Lesson 135, If I defend myself I am attacked, 2/24/24

7 months ago

Giant Strides, Week 8 of 11, ACIM Lesson 135, If I defend myself I am attacked, 2/24/24

Confusion of mind with the body results in a sense of vulnerability and weakness.
8 The body is in need of no defense. [CE W-135.8:1]

9 The “self” that needs protection is not real. [CE W-135.9:1]

10 Defend the body and you have attacked your mind. ²For you have seen in it the faults, the weaknesses, the limits, and the lacks from which you think the body must be saved. ³You will not see the mind as separate from bodily conditions. ⁴And you will impose upon the body all the pain that comes from the conception of the mind as limited and fragile, and apart from other minds and separate from its Source. [CE W-135.10]

11 These are the thoughts in need of healing, and the body will respond with health when they have been corrected and replaced with truth. ²This is the body’s only real defense. [CE W-135.11:1-2]

2 A healed mind does not plan. ²It carries out the plans which it receives through listening to wisdom that is not its own.
[CE W-135.12:1-2]

13 A healed mind is relieved from the belief that it must plan, although it cannot know the outcome that is best, the means by which it is achieved, or how to recognize the problem that the plan is made to solve. ²It must misuse the body in its plans until it recognizes this is so. ³But when it has accepted this as true, then is it healed, and lets the body go.
[CE W-135.13]

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