The Wizard 1989 Rewind Review - Old Man Orange Podcast

1 year ago

Audio only Podcast. Talking all about the classic video game playing, Rain Man style hustling, road trip movie of The Wizard from 1989. A movie that's always advertised as a fun and wacky family flick but is really more of a hardcore drama film with some comedic bits along the way. Featuring tons of classic NES and Arcade games of the time. With the heavy hitters of Mario, Zelda, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Rad Racer and more! A grand film for any Retro Gamer and late 80s/90s kid. Come join the party with us as we continue with our final #MarioMay series episode.

Old Man Orange is Spencer Scott Holmes & Ryan Dunigan - "Young Adults, Old Man Attitude. Talking retro games, classic films and comic good times with a crisp of Orange taste." -

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The Wizard Blu Ray Shout -

Grab some comedy with,
Pizza Boyz, the sitcom styled Indie Comic series by Spencer Scott Holmes via @amazon

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