Gen 13 DCU & Disney Animated Movie Review on Old Man Orange Podcast

1 year ago

This episode is an audio only podcast. We are talking the lost 1998 DCU animated film of Gen 13 from the WildStorm comics crew of Jim Lee, Brandon Choi, and J. Scott Campbell with Disney doing the animation film production. Along with Kevin Altieri (of Batman Mask if the Phantasm) directing the movie. If that's still not enough, there's voice overs by Mark Hamill and Flea. The super group team of super teams now.

That in itself is already mind blowing when you think of Warner Bros with DC and Disney with Marvel today. To top it off, this is maybe the most ballsy product that Disney has ever attached its main logo too. From a first look, Gen 13 looks to fit the mold of the 90s superhero cartoons of Batman the Animated Series, Spider-Man, X-Men, and TMNT kind. But really this movie starts off with a hardcore "are you in or are you out" moment and has material that might not even appear in a modern DCU R Rated animation today. This Gen 13 movie falls in line more with Spawn, Hellboy, and Heavy Metal 2000 style of animations. So, this may be the real reason that the film never came to the USA and just a small release in Australia. Adult animation was mostly just a back of a magazine, partially hidden order style in 90s America.

But it's totally interesting and well worth the watch. Giving us some real appreciation for the creation of Gen 13 in movie form. So come join us on the adventure as we are joined with Comic Book Creator pal, Jack Foster (creator of the GUN Comic Book Series,) to talk all about the movie and just comic book good times in general.

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