Sync On Influencers

1 year ago

In this video, I sync into the gnarly world of confluencers and online influencers, sin confluencers, or sync on losers. I describe the generally bad or watered-down atmosphere most of these individuals are in with the "certain ones" lining most of their pockets, or coming from certain spaces, the majority of folks (even if they reject the MSM are often controlled or influenced by influencers who are gatekeepers, controlled opposition or just plain schills. I prefer, often - to watch the unpolished "smaller voices," and I point out - on the (inner life) microcosm - it is like the difference between Lucifer's Radio 666's broadcasts of fear, depression, threats, anxiety and anguish, the vioice of the REAL God (Christ Sophia) is "a whisper in your heart." Song by Tracey Chapman "Freedom"

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