Psalm 63:1-8 of 11 "Lord, thee my God, I’ll early seek: my soul doth thirst for thee" Bays of Harris

11 months ago

Scottish Psalter
Psalm 63:1-8 of 11
"Lord, thee my God, I’ll early seek: my soul doth thirst for thee"
Tune: Bays of Harris
Falkirk Free Church

The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondences. They are more like visual cross-references.
image: The Judean Desert (See the psalm's title)


1 Lord, thee my God, I’ll early seek:
my soul doth thirst for thee;
My flesh longs in a dry parched land,
wherein no waters be:

2 That I thy powèr may behold,
and brightness of thy face,
As I have seen thee heretofore
within thy holy place.

3 Since better is thy love than life,
my lips thee praise shall give.
4 I in thy name will lift my hands,
and bless thee while I live.

5 Ev’n as with marrow and with fat
my soul shall fillèd be;
Then shall my mouth with joyful lips
sing praises unto thee:

6 When I do thee upon my bed
remember with delight,
And when on thee I meditate
in watches of the night.

7 In shadow of thy wings I’ll joy,
for thou mine help hast been.
8 My soul thee follows hard; and me
thy right hand doth sustain.

9 Who seek my soul to spill shall sink
down to earth’s lowest room.
10 They by the sword shall be cut off,
and foxes’ prey become.

11 Yet shall the king in God rejoice,
and each one glory shall
That swear by him; but stopped shall be
the mouth of liars all.

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