Ep. 118 Michelle Thompson - Praying in faith, Learning to Love and Continued Growth

1 year ago

Here in this video I talk to Michelle Thompson becoming really vulnerable to write; shadow work and vulnerability; putting people on a pedestal; her Christian upbringing; being bullied in school; Cosmetology; conditional love in her marriage; Wayne Dyler's book 'You'll see it when you believe it' influencing her; starting meditating; getting thought meditation; being restored to faith in unusual means; dark night of the soul; "Will you submit?"; Praying in faith; God's will for us is to be happy; Ask and ye shall receive; 'When you change yourself you change others'; Getting a message to write a book about Love; Meeting the person that was going to help her with the book process; Athena; Going through a process that thought her about Love; taking hypnosis classes; creating a habit of the person who you want to be; feeling that there's more to learn and grow; the process of writing the book; every single person in the world being a reflection of yourself.

Her book 'Be Your Own Hero: A Mystical Journey to Self Love':

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